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Past seminars

Dr. Krste Pangovski An overview of energy and material transport in high power laser matter interaction: the industry challenge 24.11.2017 15:00
P. Roca i Cabarrocas Low temperature plasma epitaxy. How does it work? 23.11.2017 13:00
Wieslaw J. Roth (1,2) and Jiří Čejka (1) Zeolites: From 3D to 2D Materials 21.11.2017 15:00
***L. Nádvorník***1, L. Braun2, J. Heitz2 and T. Kampfrath1,2 Spin to charge current conversion at terahertz frequencies 16.11.2017 10:00
Iaroslav Gerasymov Presentation of the Institute for Scintallation Materials in Charkov 15.11.2017 13:00
Alexander Schwarz Magnetic Exchange Force Microscopy and Spectroscopy 07.11.2017 16:00
Dr. Marco Pizzichemi Positron Emission Tomography: state of the art and future developments 07.11.2017 13:00
Dr. Frederic Villieux Presentation of the CMS 06.11.2017 11:00
Paweł Ławniczak Universalities of conductivity spectra in superprotonic conductors – pressure effect and low temperature studies 02.11.2017 10:00
Mauro Fernandes Pereira Nonequilibrium Manybody Theory for GHz-THz Nonlinearities in Superlattices 31.10.2017 15:00
