Individuals and Households in the Czech Republic: Transformation Changes and Cross-National Comparison
Researcher: Jiří Večerník
Issued by: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Time of researching the project: 2008 - 2010
The proposed project intends to analytically interlink the perspectives of individuals and households in the area of income distribution and related socio-economic behaviour of the Czech population after 1989 and in comparison with other EU countries. The analysis of social and economic relationships at the micro level is crucial for policy making and assessment. The questions concern 1) the size and structure of households, 2) the size and disparities of income, 3) income packaging and the impact of tax/transfers redistribution, 4) the perception of household well-being, the financial situation and consumer deprivation, 5) household structure with regard to enterpreneurial activities of household members, 6) relationships between religious engagement of individual members, i.e. between personal and family religious denomination and practicing. The thematic frame of the analysis is regime change and corresponding transformation of social structures.
All the above questions can basically be answered using data sources that are already available. For a comparison with the past there are Microcensuses data from 1988, 1996 and 2002 in the archive of the Department of Economic Sociology. These data can be linked with the survey “Living Conditions 2005”, which was a part of the EUROSTAT survey programme EU-SILC (Statistics on Income and Living Conditions), providing data for the EU-25. Thus we will be able to make an analysis of historical trends covering at least 15 years, plus a cross-national comparison. The other important sources are opinion surveys of Eurobarometer. For religional behaviour, special qualitative and quantitative sources will be used.
Project publications (total 14, displaying 1 - 10)
The study aims to analytically interlink the optics of individuals and households and focus on their demographic and socio-economic behaviour since 1989 in the Czech Republic, and compare these observations with other EU countries, primarily those of Central Eastern Europe (CEE).
The study aims to analytically interlink the optics of individuals and households and focus on their demographic and socio-economic behaviour since 1989 in the Czech Republic, and compare these observations with other EU countries, primarily those of Central Eastern Europe (CEE).
The study aims to analytically interlink the optics of individuals and households and focus on their demographic and socio-economic behaviour since 1989 in the Czech Republic, and compare these observations with other EU countries, primarily those of Central Eastern Europe (CEE).
The study aims to analytically interlink the optics of individuals and households and focus on their demographic and socio-economic behaviour since 1989 in the Czech Republic, and compare these observations with other EU countries, primarily those of Central Eastern Europe (CEE).
The study aims to analytically interlink the optics of individuals and households and focus on their demographic and socio-economic behaviour since 1989 in the Czech Republic, and compare these observations with other EU countries, primarily those of Central Eastern Europe (CEE).
The study aims to analytically interlink the optics of individuals and households and focus on their demographic and socio-economic behaviour since 1989 in the Czech Republic, and compare these observations with other EU countries, primarily those of Central Eastern Europe (CEE).
Social report which informs about the development during the two decades in the fields of employment and social policies, earnings and income inequalities, social structures with attention to the situation of the middle class, pensioners and the poor, and socio-economic values with regard to work and consumer values.
Cet article utilise des enquêtes sur les revenus pour la période 1988-2004 afin d’illustrer les changements intervenus dans les inégalités des revenus des ménages, l’origine de ces changements et les principaux facteurs de telles disparaités. Il suggère qu’il s’est produit un changement systémique fondamental, qui a fait passer de l’application d’un principe de "besoins fondamentaux" à la mise en oeuvre d’un principe de "récompense obtenue sur le marché".
The development and controversies relating to Czech social policy after 1989 are described. The ambivalent character of the communist welfare state is considered first and its theoretical alternatives outlined second. After early energetic changes, stagnation has reigned since the mid-1990s. Despite problems, the current performance of the system is satisfactory. However, the system is not efficient in the long run as it would produce an increasing debt toward the future.
This paper aims to quantify the impact of social benefi ts on labour market participation in the Czech Republic and provides a comparison with selected European countries. It applies the logistic regression to estimate the probability of labour market participation depending on social benefits related to net wage of the individuals, controlling for individual and household characteristics.