The research project focuses on a description and analysis of relations between professional career and family life and their development in the Czech Republic after 1989. It combines a diachronic approach based on comparison of the employment patterns of cohorts having children after 1989 with older cohorts, and an analysis of factors contributing to the differentiation of strategies of work/family balance in 1990s. Specifically, it aims to analyse changes in timing of the transition to parenthood and in men’s and women’s employments patterns over the family course. The emphasis is given to analysis of their differentiation according gender, qualification, values and family forms. Project is based on a secondary analysis of existing data files. The findings will help explain changes in family behaviour in 1990 s and the impacts of economic and social changes on work and family arrangements.
Project publications (total 22, displaying 11 - 20)
Stať vychází z konceptu věkových norem a srovnává představy o ideálním věku rodičovství v České republice a v dalších evropských zemích. Dále se zaměřuje na diferenciaci představ o ideálním časování rodičovství v České republice podle vzdělání a kohortní příslušnosti. Zjištění ukazují, že ideální věk, kdy se stát matkou, je v České republice kladen do nižšího věku než v zemích západní Evropy.
The article presents specific method of the study of the life-course which focuses on the life-course trajectories as a whole – the sequence analysis. Contrary to event-oriented perspective holistic approach does not focus mainly on single life event but on a whole sequence of events. It enables to identify typical patterns of trajectories and to study the change in their diversity. The article also presents several examples using data on family history.
Using SEPM 2006 data this paper explores factors influencing a probability that unmarried mothers will marry after childbirth. The findings show that for the third of them unmarried parenthood is rather a new phase of family life-course leading to marriage than long term family arrangement. The higher probability to experience transition to marriage have unmarried mothers living in unmarried cohabitation, with higher education and who postponed marriage due a pregnancy.
The paper explores the timing of the return from parental leave to the labour market according the family situation of mothers and the reasons of their decision to return to an employment or stay at home. The paper is based on analyses data from social survey Social and economic conditions of motherhood from 2006 and on the analysis of model families which explores impacts of social system on economic activity of mothers with young children.
The book under review focuses on the situation after partnership dissolution in terms of 1. change in disposable income, 2. female labour market participation, 3. residential mobility, and 4. living conditions. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the economic consequences of divorce and its gender differences across European countries. Methodologically, it combines case studies with comparative micro-macro analyses using individual and institutional context data.
The paper explores the timing of the return from parental leave to the labour market according the family situation of mothers and the reasons of their decision to return to an employment or stay at home. The paper is based on analyses data from social survey Social and economic conditions of motherhood from 2006 and on the analysis of model families which explores impacts of social system on economic activity of mothers with young children.