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4 Mar 17 - 18 Apr 19
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Lagoutte R., Šebesta P., Jiroš P., Kalinová B., Jirošová A., Straka J., Černá K., Šobotník J., Cvačka J., Jahn U.:
Total synthesis, proof of absolute configuration, and biosynthetic origin of stylopsal, the first isolated sex pheromone of Strepsiptera.
Chemistry - A European Journal 19 (26): 8515-8524, 2013.

Sedlák F., Šácha P., Blechová M., Březinová A., Šafařík M., Šebestík J., Konvalinka J.:
Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II Does Not Process Amyloid-beta Peptide.
FASEB Journal 27 (7): 2626-2632, 2013.

Kuda O., Pietka T. A., Demianova Z., Kudová E., Cvačka J., Kopecký J., Abumrad N. A. :
Sulfo-N-succinimidyl Oleate (SSO) Inhibits Fatty Acid Uptake and Signaling for Intracellular Calcium via Binding CD36 Lysine 164.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 288 (22): 15547-15555, 2013.

Sutton P. A., Wilde M. J., MartinS. J., CvačkaJ., Vrkoslav V., Rowland S. J.:
Studies of Long Chain Lipids in Insects by High Temperature Gas Chromatography and High Temperature Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry
Journal of Chromatography A 1297: 236-240, 2013.

Vrkoslav V., Urbanová K., Háková M., Cvačka J.:
Analysis of Wax Esters by Silver-Ion High-Performance Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Journal of Chromatography A 1302: 105-110, 2013.

Bourguignon T., Šobotník J., Hanus R., Krasulová J., Vrkoslav V., Cvačka J., Roisin Y.:
Delineating species boundaries using an iterative taxonomic approach: The case of soldierless termites (Isoptera, Termitidae, Apicotermitinae).
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69 (3): 694-703, 2013.

Jaklová Dytrtová J., Jakl M., Navrátil T., Schröder D. :
A hyphenation of stripping voltammetry with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry; an effect of sodium perchlorate on ferrocene oxidation.
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 8 (2): 1623-1634, 2013.

Nováková K., Navrátil T., Jaklová Dytrtová J., Chýlková J.:
Application of Copper Solid Amalgam Electrode for Determination of Fungicide Tebuconazole.
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 8 (1): 1-16, 2013.

Parisová M., Navrátil T., Šestáková I., Jaklová Dytrtová J., Mareček V.:
Influence of Low Molecular Weight Organic Acids on Transport of Cadmium and Copper Ions across Model Phospholipid Membranes.
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 8 (1): 27 - 44, 2013.

Zawada Z., Šafařík M., Dvořáková E., Janoušková O., Březinová A., Stibor I., Holada K., Bouř P., Hlaváček J., Šebestík J.:
Quinacrine reactivity with prion proteins and prion-derived peptides.
Amino Acidse 44 (5): 1279-1292, 2013.

Selicharová I., Kořínek M., Demianova Z., Chrudinová M., Mládková J., Jiráček J.:
Effects of hyperhomocysteinemia and betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase inhibition on hepatocyte metabolites and the proteome.
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Proteins and Proteomics 1834 (8): 1596-1606, 2013.

Brabcová J., Prchalová D., Demianova Z., Bučánková A., Vogel H., Valterová I., Pichová I., Zarevúcka M.:
Characterization of Neutral Lipase BT-1 Isolated from the Labial Gland of Bombus terrestris Males.
PLoS ONE 8 (11): e80066/1-e80066/11, 2013.

Dvořáková M., Nencka R., Dejmek M., Zborníková E., Březinová A., Přibylová M., Pohl R., Migaud M. E., Vaněk T.:
Synthesis of alkylcarbonate analogs of O-acetyl-ADP-ribose.
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 11 (34): 5702-5713, 2013.

Buček A., Vogel H., Matoušková P., Prchalová D., Žáček P., Vrkoslav V., Šebesta P., Svatoš A., Jahn U. , Valterová I., Pichová I.:
The role of desaturases in the biosynthesis of marking pheromones in bumblebee males.
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 43 (8): 724-731, 2013.

Navrátilová A., Schneiderová K., Veselá D., Hanáková Z., Fontana A., Dall'Acqua S., Cvačka J., Innocenti G., Novotná J., Urbanová M., Pelletier J., Čížek A., Žemličková H., Šmejkal K.:
Minor C-geranylated flavanones from Paulownia tomentosa fruits with MRSA antibacterial activity.
Phytochemistry 89: 104-113, 2013.

Nováková K., Navrátil T., Jaklová Dytrtová J., Chýlková, J.:
The use of copper solid amalgam electrodes for determination of the pesticide thiram
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 17 (6): 11517-1528, 2013.

Brabcová J., Demianova Z., Vondrášek J., Jágr M., Zarevúcka M., Palomo J. M.:
Highly selective purification of three lipases from Geotrichum candidum 4013 and their characterization and biotechnological applications.
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B-Enzymatic 98 : 62-72, 2013.

Marhol P., F.Hartog A., van der Horst M.A., Wever R., Purchartová K., Fuksová K., Kuzma M., Cvačka J., Křen V.:
Preparation of silybin and isosilybin sulfates by sulfotransferase from Desulfitobacterium hafniense.
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 89: 24-27, 2013.

Blechová M., Nagelová V., Žáková L., Demianová Z., Železná B., Maletínská L.:
New analogs of the CART peptide with anorexigenic potency: The importance of individual disulfide bridges.
Peptides 39: 138-144, 2013.

Jaklová Dytrtová J., Jakl M., Schröder D., Norková R.:
In-situ generation of copper cations and complexation with tebuconazole in a hyphenation of electrochemistry with mass spectrometry.
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry: 338: 45-49, 2013.

Kvíčala J., Schindler M., Kelbichová V., Babuněk M., Rybáčková M., Kvíčalová M., Cvačka J., Březinová A.:
Experimental and theoretical study of Hoveyda-Grubbs catalysts modified by perfluorohexyl ponytail in the alkoxybenzylidene ligand.
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry: 153: 12-25, 2013.

Holubová M., Špolcová A., Demianova Z., Sýkora D., Fehrentz J. A., Martinez J., Štofková A., Jurčovičová J., Drápalová J., Lacinová Z., Haluzík M., Železná B., Maletínská L.:
Ghrelin Agonist JMV 1843 Increases Food Intake, Body Weight and Expression of Orexigenic Neuropeptides in Mice.
Physiological Research: 62 (4): 435-444, 2013.

Schneiderová K., Šlapetová T., Hrabal R., Dvořáková H., Procházková P., Novotná J., Urbanová M., Cvačka J., Šmejkal K.:
Tomentomimulol and mimulone B: Two new C-geranylated flavonoids from Paulownia tomentosa fruits.
Natural Product Reseach: 27 (7): 613-618, 2013.

Leuner O., Havlík J., Buděšínský M., Vrkoslav V., Chu J., Bradshaw T. D., Hummelová J., Mikšátková P., Lapčík O., Valterová I., Kokoška L.:
Cytotoxic Constituents of Pachyrhizus tuberosus from Peruvian Amazon.
Natural Product Communications: 8 (10): 1423-1426, 2013.

Norková R., Jaklová Dytrtová J., Kašička V.:
Ionizační techniky a rozhraní pro spojení kapilárních elektromigračních metod s hmotnostně spektrometrickou detekcí.
Chemické listy: 107 (12): 949-955, 2013.

Zubrik A., Lovás M., Dolinská S., Hredzák S., Turčeková Ĺ., Cvačka J., Vrkoslav V.:
Extračné postupy pre izoláciu diterpénov z uhlia.
Chemické listy: 107 (9): 723-728, 2013.

Horník Š., Sajfrtová M., Karban J., Sýkora J., Březinová A., Wimmer Z.:
LC-NMR Technique in the Analysis of Phytosterols in Natural Extracts.
Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry: 2013: ID 526818, 2013.