Čeští botanici jsou autory popisů dvou čeledí masožravých rostlin: Byblidaceae Domin, 1922 a Drosophyllaceae Chrtek, Slavíková et Studnička, 1989. Článek seznamuje čtenáře s historií vlastních popisů i se základními informacemi a zajímavostmi o popsaných čeledích.
Použitá literatura:
Domin K. (1922): Byblidaceae, a new archichlamydeous family. Acta Botanica Bohemica 1: 3–4.
Ellison A. M. & Gotelli N. J. (2009): Energetics and the evolution of carnivorous plants-Darwin’s ‘most wonderful plants in the world’. Journal of Experimental Botany 60/1: 19–42.
Hartmeyer I. & Hartmeyer S. (2005): Byblis filifolia als echte Karnivore rehabilitiert. Das Taublatt 1: 38–50.
Heubl G., Bringmann G. et Meimberg H.(2006): Molecular Phylogeny and Character Evolution of Carnivorous Plant Families in Caryophyllales – Revisited. Plant Biol. 8: 821–830.
Chrtek J., Slavíková Z. & Studnička M. (1989): Beitrag zur Leitbündelanordnung in den Kronblättern von ausgewählen Arten der fleischfressenden Pflanzen. Preslia 61: 107–124
Lang F. X. (1901): Untersuchen über Morphologie, Anatomie und Samentwicklung von Polypompholyx und Byblis. Flora 88: 149–206.
Link H. F. (1806): Drosophyllum (Drosera lusitanica Linn.), novum genus, descriptum a H. F. Link, Professore Rostochiensi. Neues Journal für die Botanik (1): 51–55.
McPherson S. (2008): Glistening Carnivores The Sticky-Leaved Insect-Eating Plants. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole, Dorset, England.
Plachno B., Adamec L., Lichtscheidl I., Peroutka M., Adlassing W. & Vrba J. (2006): Fluorescence labelling of phosphatase activity in digestive glands of carnivorous plants. Plant biology 8(6): 813–820.
Rivadavia F., Kondo K., Kato M. et Hasebe M. (2003): Phylogeny of the sundews, Drosera (Droseraceae), based on chloroplast rbcL and nuclear 18S ribosomal DNA sequences. American Journal of Botany 90(1): 123–130.
Schäferhoff B., Fleischmann A., Fischer E., Albach D. C., Borsch T., Heubl G. & Müller K. F. (2010): Towards resolving Lamiales relationships: insights from rapidly evolving chloroplast sequences. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 352.
Studnička M. (2006): Masožravé rostliny, objekt badatelů, dobrodruhů a snílků. Academia, Praha.
Two families of carnivorous plants have been described by Czech botanists: Byblidaceae Domin, 1922 and Drosophyllaceae Chrtek, Slavíková and Studnička, 1989. A history of the descriptions and some basic and interesting information about these families are presented.