Článek shrnuje data o populaci paovce hřivnaté (Ammotragus lervia), která se jako v České republice nepůvodní druh (původem ze severní Afriky) po opakovaném úniku z chovu v Zoologické zahradě Plzeň vyskytovala a rozmnožovala v regionu západních Čech v 70.-90. letech 20. stol.
This article summarizes available data on the free-living population of the Barbary Sheep (Ammotragus lervia) in the Plzeň District in the 1970s to 1990s. This population originated through repeated escapes of the Barbary Sheep from the Plzeň Zoo (1972–87). The Barbary Sheep appeared to be viable in the wild, and its free-living population ceased to exist not before 1994. Additionally, a short review of the Barbary Sheep stock in Czech zoos is presented (1985–2011).