Intranet Čeština



The service department provides metabolomics analysis of biological materials (mainly blood serum and plasma) using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS):

  • Combined untargeted and targeted analysis of complex lipids
  • Combined untargeted and targeted analysis of polar metabolites and exposome compounds
  • Targeted analysis of specific low-abundant lipids in cooperation with the Department of Adipose Tissue Biology


For combined untargeted and targeted methods liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry is used (Thermo Q Exactive Plus). Targeted analysis of specific lipids is performed using LC with a quadrupole/linear ion trap analyzer operated in multiple reaction monitoring (SCIEX QTRAP 5500).


The department processes metabolomic data using up-to-date software programs, including also identification of lipids, polar metabolites, and other detected compounds using MS/MS spectral library search. Merging untargeted and targeted workflows allows for high coverage of metabolites and, in many cases, their absolute quantification.


The data obtained are further processed using one-dimensional or multidimensional statistical methods.


Institute of Physiology CAS
Department of Metabolomics

Videnska 1083
142 20 Prague 4
Czech Republic

tel.: +420 241 062 187

fax: +420 241 062 280


doc. Ing. Tomáš Čajka, Ph.D.
head of the department

Mgr. Petra Domašinská

research assistant


Ing. Veronika Palůchová

research assistant