Original Articles
Physiol. Res. 43: 65-73, 1994;
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The Dehydrating Function of the Descending
Colon in Relationship to Crypt Function.
Naftalín R. J. (Physiol.
Group, Biomed. Sc., King’s College, Strand, London, Great
Physiol. Res. 43: 75-81, 1994;
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Preparation of Basolateral Membrane
Vesicles From Rat Enterocytes: Influence of Different
Gradient Media.
Milovic V, Stein J., Ruppert S., Zeuzem S.,
Caspary W. F. (Lab. Gastroenterol. Div., 2nd Med. Dept.,
Johann Wolfgang Goethe Univ., Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Physiol. Res. 43: 83-93, 1994;
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Effect of Indomethacin, Renzapride, Methysergide, Ketanserin,
Granisetron and Citalopram on Serotonin-Induced Fluid
Accumulation in Pig Jejunum.
Hansen M. B., Thorboll J. E.,
Beuble E., Skadhauge E. (Dept. Anat. Physiol., Royal Vet. Agr.
Univ., Frederiksberg C, Denmark)
Physiol. Res. 43: 95-99, 1994;
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Pentoxifylline-Associated Reduction of
Indomethacin-Induced Rat Gastric Mucosal Injury is Supported by
Decreased Lipid Peroxidation.
Šallingová Z., Kohút A. (Dept.
Pharmacol., Fac. Med., Šafarik Univ. Košice, Slovak Republic)
Physiol. Res. 43: 101-105, 1994;
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Erythrocyte Membrane Fluidity and Tissue Lipid Peroxides in
Female Guinea-Pigs on Graded Vitamin C Intake.
Tatara M., Ginter
E. (Inst. Prevent. Clin. Med., Bratislava, Slovak Republic)
Physiol. Res. 43: 107-111, 1994;
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Serum Copper, Zinc and Copper/Zinc Ratio in Males: Influence of
Maďarič A., Ginter E., Kadrabová J. (Inst. Prevent. Clin.
Med., Bratislava, Slovak Republic)
Physiol. Res. 43: 113-116, 1994;
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Influence of Carbamazepine and Phenytoin on Spontaneous Activity
of Cerebellar Neurons.
Buřitová J., Hrabětová S., Hrabě J.,
Mareš P., Pavlík V. (Inst. Physiol., Acad. Sci., Prague 4, Czech
Physiol. Res. 43: 117-120 1994;
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The Concept of Application of Immobilized and Perfused Mammalian
Cells (a Bioreactor Model) in Biomedical Research.
Farghali H.,
Kameníková L., Hynie S. (Inst. Pharmacol., 1st Fac. Med.,
Charles Univ., Prague 2, Czech Republic)
Physiol. Res. 43: 121-125, 1994;
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Preparation of Functionally Active Immobilized and Perfused
Mammalian Cells: An Example of the Hepatocy te Bioreactor.
Farghali H., Kameníková L., Martínek J., Lincová D., Hynie S. (Inst.
Pharmacol., 1st Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague 2, Czech
Physiol. Res. 43: 127-130, 1994;
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Application of the Hepatocytes Bioreactor to Xenobiotic
Kameníková L., Farghali H., Mišeková D.,
Lincová D., Hynie S. (Inst. Pharmacol., 1st Fac. Med., Charles
Univ., Prague 2, Czech Republic)
Physiol. Res. 43: 131-135, 1994;
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A Preliminary Evaluation of Drug Biotransformation in
Hepatocytes of Genetically Defined Rat Strains.
Hynie S., Křen
V., Bilá V., Mráz M., Gaier N., Kameníková L., Farghali H. (Inst.
Pharmacol., 1st Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague 2, Czech
Physiol. Res. 43: 137-139, 1994;
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Adrenergic Lipolysis in Immobilized and Perfused Adipocytes.
Lincová D., Mišeková D., Farghali H., Martínek J., Hynie S. (Inst.
Pharmacol., 1st Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague 2, Czech
Short Communication
Physiol. Res. 43: 141-143, 1994;
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The Longitudinal Growth of Tibia in Oestradiol-Treated
and Restrictedly Fed Immature Male Rats.
Š. Čikoš, S. Kuchár, J.
Koppel (Inst. Animal Physiol., Slovak Acad. Sci., Košice, Slovak
This number was issued in
April 1994