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Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering

Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Klinicky užívané cévní protézy vyrobené z expandovaného polytetrafluoroethylénu (ePTFE) a z polyethylén tereftalátu (PET). Materiál protéz je vysoce hydrofobní a neumožňuje rekonstrukci přirozených buněčných vrstev cévní stěny.

What is a tissue replacement?

Irreversible damage to various vitally important tissues and organs, such as blood vessels, heart valves, bones, joints, cartilage or skin, is a serious and frequent consequence of the lifestyle of the contemporary civilized society. It is associated with various metabolic disorders and also with traffic, sport and industrial accidents. Hereditary disorders, wear and aging of the organism also play an adverse role.

When prevention, conservative treatment and surgical interventions fail, it is necessary to replace the damaged tissue. Autologous tissue, i.e. the patient's own tissue, is still considered to be the “gold standard” for tissue substitution. However, autologous tissue is usually available only in limited quantities, and acquiring the tissue burdens the patient with additional surgery and donor site morbidity. For this reason, increasing attention is being paid to artificial materials that serve as scaffolds for reconstructing the damaged tissue.

The main tasks of our laboratory are:

  • to improve currently-used synthetic tissue replacements by introducing cell and other biological components
  • to construct completely new replacements on the basis of synthetic materials and cells
  • to achieve these two  goals, we carry out studies on the molecular mechanisms of cell behavior on synthetic materials, such as the adhesion, growth, differentiation and viability of cells on artificial materials, together with studies on potential damage and immune activation.




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Institute of Physiology AS CR, v.v.i.
Department of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering

Vídeňská 1083
14220 Prague 4
tel. +420 241 063 743




Doc. MUDr. Lucie Bačáková, CSc.
head of the department

RNDr. Marta Vandrovcová, Ph.D.
deputy head of the department

Doc. MUDr. Vladislav Mareš, DrSc.
emeritus researcher
Mgr. Elena Filová, Ph.D.
Věra Lisá, prom. biol.
Mgr. Jana Lišková, Ph.D.
researcher (maternity leave)
RNDr. Jana Musílková, CSc.
RNDr. Lubica Staňková (née. Grausová), Ph.D.
researcher (maternity leave)

Mgr. Antonín Brož, Ph.D.
postdoctoral researcher

Ing. Markéta Bačáková, Ph.D.
postdoctoral researcher
MUDr. Jaroslav Chlupáč, Ph.D.
postdoctoral researcher
Mgr. Ivana Kopová, Ph.D.
postdoctoral researcher
RNDr. Martin Pařízek​, Ph.D.
postdoctoral researcher
Mgr. Martin Plencner, Ph.D.
postdoctoral researcher
Ing. Jana Zárubová (née. Havlíková), Ph.D.
postdoctoral researcher
Mgr. Martina Doubková
PhD student
Mgr. Radmila Kudláčková 
PhD student

Mgr. Júlia Pajorová
PhD student

Mgr. Marie Steinerová
PhD student (maternity leave)

MUDr. Martina Trávníčková
PhD student

Helena Dragounová
pregraduate student
Jana Voborníková
administrative worker
Mgr. Jarmila Knitlová
technician biologist
Ivana Zajanová