Aktuálně 23. 11. 2013

Zvaná přednáška

Ústav státu a práva AV ČR a Centre for Law and Cosmoplitan Values UA pořádají přednášku

Hana Müllerová

The right to a favourable environment in the Czech Constitution and its application

Datum: 27. 11. 2013, 14.00 hod

Místo: Univerzita of Antwerpen, Centre for Law and Cosmopolitan Values, Sint-Jacobstraat 2, 2000 Antwerpen

Incorporating the human right to a favourable environment in the Czech constitutional Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms dates back to 1993. However, this right remains very rarely applied, due to several legislative and interpretative reasons. In her contribution, Hana Müllerová will introduce the cornerstone cases before the Czech Constitutional Court that helped to establish the current judicial interpretation of the right but that at the same time led to entombing its practical enforcement. She will reflect the merit of human rights related directly to environmental quality as such and the preconditions that seem to be crucial in order to have this human right representing the so called third generation of human rights a living part of the human rights legislation.

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