Mgr. Radek Vodrážka, Ph.D.

Radek Vodrážka Ph.D.
Birth date and place: February 16, 1981, Pardubice, Czech Republic
Education and professional position:
2000-2005: master studies at Institute of Geology and Palaeontology at Charles University, Prague; master thesis „Genus Hillendia Reid, 1964 and Guettardiscyphia Fromentel, 1860 (Porifera, Hexactinellida) from the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin“
2005-2010: PhD. studies at Institute of Geology and Palaeontology at Charles University, Prague; dissertation thesis „Taphocoenoses with Porifera in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin“
Current professional position:
2005-present: independent research worker of the Sedimentary Formations Department, Czech Geological Survey, Prague (palaeontology, regional geology, geological mapping). Contact address: Czech Geological Survey, Klárov 131/3, 11821 Praha 1, Czech Republic. E-mail: Radek [dot] Vodrazkageology [dot] cz, tel.: (+420)257089526
2011-present: independent research worker of the Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague. Contact address: Institute of Geology AS CR, v. v. i., Rozvojová 269, 165 00 Praha 6 – Lysolaje, CR. E-mail: Radek [dot] Vodrazkaseznam [dot] cz, tel.: (+420)233 087 255
Main interests:
● Late Cretaceous sponges, their taxonomy, skeletal structures, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography
● Palaeontology, palaeocommunities and taphonomy of invertebrates from Czech Upper Cretaceous
● Stratigraphy, geology and geological mapping of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments in the Czech Republic, Germany, Antarctica and Iran
● Special attention pays to modern and innovative preparation techniques
Main obtained supports and grants:
● 2003-2004: coinvestigator of the grant project “Stratigraphical architecture of the Cenomanian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin etc.” (MŽP ČR OG-9/02 provided by the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic)
● 2006-2008: coinvestigator of the grant project “Taphocoenoses with echinoderms in the Upper Turonian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin: taphonomy, taxonomy, palaeoecology, biostratigraphy” (GAČR, 205/06/0842 provided by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic)
● 2007-2011: coinvestigator of the grant project “Contribution of the Czech Republic to the investigation of the ozone layer and solar UV radiation in Antarctica, paleoclimatic and paleogeographic reconstruction of selected Antarctic territory and related geological study and mapping” (VaV SP II 1a9/23/07 provided by Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic)
Field-work experience abroad:
● 2003: Charles University and Moscow State University student’s geological field-training course, Crimea, Ukraine
● 2007-2008: 3 expeditions to Iran (August-September 2007; November-December 2007; July-September 2008). Fieldworks, expert and educational activities in Iran were part of a project „Capacity building of Geological Survey of Iran´s staff in geological mapping at 1:25 000 scale of selected map sheets in the Eastern Azarbayjan Province of Iran“. Project was provided by Ministry of Industries and Mines, Islamic Republic of Iran
● 2008-2011: 4 expeditions to Antarctica (January-March 2008; January-March 2009; January-March 2010; January-March 2011). Fieldworks on Seymour Island, James Ross Island, Vega Island and Antarctic Peninsula concentrated on collecting Mesozoic and Cenozoic fossils along with geological mapping and sedimentological fieldworks
● 2000 and 2010: fieldworks and field excursions to the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of Morocco
● 2004-2011: field-excursions and fieldworks in the Upper Cretaceous of Germany
16 research papers (7 of them are listed in WOS), 3 scientific reports, patent of invention, 4 geological maps, 10 abstracts (conference proceedings)
Selected publications :
note: 1) – 7) are listed in WOS
1) Vodrážka, R., Crame, J.A. (2011): First fossil sponge from Antarctica and its paleobiogeographical significance. - Journal of Paleontology, 85, 1, 48-57.
2) Laurin, J., Vodrážka, R. (2010): Record of sea-level fall in shallow-water hemipelagic strata: case study and numerical experiments. - Terra Nova, 22, 2, 103-109.
3) Košťák, M., Vodrážka, R., Frank, J., Mazuch, M., Marek, J. (2010): Late Cretaceous nautilid beaks from the near-shore/shallow water deposits of the Bohemian Cretacaeous Basin (Czech Republic). - Acta Geologica Polonica, 60, 3, 417-428.
4) Zágoršek, K., Taylor, P.D., Vodrážka, R. (2009): Coexistence of symbiotic hydroids (Protulophila) on serpulids and bryozoans in a cryptic habitat at Chrtníky (lower Turonian, Czech Republic). Bulletin of Geosciences, 84, 4, 631-636.
5) Vodrážka, R. (2009): A new method for the extraction of macrofossils from calcareous rocks using sulphuric acid. - Palaeontology, 52, 1, 187-192.
6) Vodrážka, R., Sklenář, J., Čech, S., Laurin, J., Hradecká, L. (2009): Phosphatic intraclasts in shallow-water hemipelagic strata: a source of palaeoecological, taphonomic and biostratigraphic data (Upper Turonian, Bohemian Cretaceous Basin). - Cretaceous Research, 30, 1, 204-222.
7) Žítt, J., Vodrážka, R. (2008): New data on Late Turonian crinoids from the Bohemian Cretaceous basin, Czech Republic. - Bulletin of Geosciences, 83, 3, 311-326.
8) Zágoršek, K. & Vodrážka, R. (2006): Cretaceous Bryozoa from Chrtníky (Bohemian Massif). - CFS Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, (257), pp. 161-177.
9) Žítt, J., Vodrážka, R., Hradecká, L., Svobodová, M. & Zágoršek, K. (2006): Late Cretaceous environments and communities as recorded at Chrtníky (Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic). - Bulletin of Geosciences, 81 (1), pp. 43-79.
10) Vodrážka, R. (2006): Entobia exogyrarum (Frič, 1883) from the Upper Cretaceous of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. - Ichnos, 13, 199-201.