Intranet Čeština

Experimental Hypertension

Experimental Hypertension

Department of Experimental Hypertension is studying the mechanisms of blood pressure (BP) regulation and end-organ damage in rats with different types of experimental hypertension. Our research is focused mainly on:


  • Elucidation of the mechanisms by which endothelin and renin-angiotensin systems participate in renal damage in transgenic rats with inserted mouse renin gene (Ren-2 TGR) – cooperation with IKEM (Prague).
  • Comparison of the role of calcium sensitization (Rho kinase pathway) and calcium influx in the development of high BP in rats with genetic or salt hypertension – molecular biological analysis of alterations in these regulatory pathways.
  • Study of the central mechanisms of blood pressure regulation in rats with genetic hypertension: focus on brain renin-angiotensin system, central corticoid effects, baroreflex control of sympathetic tone and oxidative stress.
  • Investigation of cardiovascular effects of new analogs of neuropeptides regulating food intake in rats – cooperation with IOCHB CAS (Prague).




Zemenová, J. - Sýkora, D. - Maletínská, L. - Kuneš, Jaroslav . Lipopeptides as therapeutics: applications and in vivo quantitative analysis . Bioanalysis. 2017, roč. 9, 2, p. 215-230 . IF = 2.673 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Sedláková, L. - Čertíková - Chábová, V. - Doleželová, Š. - Škaroupková, P. - Kopkan, L. - Husková, Z. - Červenková, L. - Kikerlová, S. - Vaněčková, Ivana - Sadowski, J. - Kompanowska - Jezierska, E. - Kujal, P. - Kramer, H. J. - Červenka, L. Renin-angiotensin system blockade alone or combined with ETA receptor blockade: effects on the course of chronic kidney disease in 5/6 nephrectomized Ren-2 transgenic hypertensive rats . Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. 2017, roč. 39, 2, p. 183-195 . IF = 1.162 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Pražienková, V. - Holubová, M. - Pelantová, H. - Bugáňová, M. - Pirník, Z. - Mikulášková, Barbora - Popelová, A. - Blechová, M. - Haluzík, M. - Železná, B. - Kuzma, M. - Kuneš, Jaroslav - Maletínská, L. Impact of novel palmitoylated prolactin-eleasing peptide analogs on metabolic changes in mice with diet-induced obesity . PLoS ONE. 2017, roč. 12, 8, článku e0183449 . IF = 2.806 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Pištíková, Adéla - Brožka, Hana - Bencze, Michal - Radostová, Dominika - Valeš, Karel - Stuchlík, Aleš . The effect of hypertension on adult hippocampal neurogenesis in young adult spontaneously hypertensive rats and Dahl rats . Physiological Research. 2017, roč. 66, 5, p. 881-887 . IF = 1.461 [ASEP]
Májovský, M. - Řezáčová, Lenka - Sumová, Alena - Pospíšilová, L. - Netuka, D. - Bradáč, O. - Beneš, V. Melatonin and cortisol secretion profile in patients with pineal cyst before and after pineal cyst resection . Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 2017, roč. 39, May 2017, p. 155-163 . IF = 1.557 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Dobiášová, Milada . Atherogenic Impact of Lecithin-Cholesterol Acyltransferase and Its Relation to Cholesterol Esterification Rate in HDL (FERHDL) and AIP [log(TG/HDL-C)] Biomarkers: The Butterfly Effect? . Physiological Research. 2017, roč. 66, 2, p. 193-203 . IF = 1.461 [ASEP]
Bugáňová, M. - Pelantová, H. - Holubová, M. - Šedivá, B. - Maletínská, L. - Železná, B. - Kuneš, Jaroslav - Kačer, P. - Kuzma, M. - Haluzík, M. The effects of liraglutide in mice with diet-induced obesity studied by metabolomics . Journal of Endocrinology. 2017, roč. 233, 1, p. 93-104 . IF = 4.706 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Behuliak, Michal - Bencze, Michal - Vaněčková, Ivana - Kuneš, Jaroslav - Zicha, Josef . Basal and Activated Calcium Sensitization Mediated by RhoA/Rho Kinase Pathway in Rats with Genetic and Salt Hypertension . BioMed Research International. 2017, roč. 2017, January, článku 8029728 . IF = 2.476 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Lettrichová, I. - Tóthová, L. - Hodosy, J. - Behuliak, Michal - Celec, P. Variability of salivary markers of oxidative stress and antioxidant status in young healthy individuals . Redox Report. 2016, roč. 21, 1, p. 24-30 . IF = 2.070 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Bernátová, I. - Bališ, P. - Goga, R. - Behuliak, Michal - Zicha, Josef - Sekaj, I. Lack of Reactive Oxygen Species Deteriorates Blood Pressure Regulation in Acute Stress . Physiological Research. 2016, roč. 65, Suppl.3, S381-S390 . IF = 1.461 [ASEP]

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Institute of Physiology AS CR, v.v.i.
Department of Experimental Hypertension

Vídeňská 1083
14220 Prague 4
tel. +420 241 062 592
fax. +420 241 062 488


  RNDr. Ivana Vaněčková, DSc.
head of the department
  MUDr. Josef Zicha, DrSc.
deputy head of the department
  RNDr. Jaroslav Kuneš, DrSc.
senior researcher
  RNDr. Milada Dobiášová, DrSc.
senior researcher
  MUDr. Hana Rauchová, CSc.
senior researcher
  RNDr. Michaela Kadlecová, Ph.D.
junior researcher
  Mgr. Michal Behuliak, Ph.D.
junior researcher
  Mgr. Silvie Hojná, Ph.D.
junior researcher
  RNDr. Lenka Řezáčová, Ph.D.
  Mgr. Michal Bencze
PhD student
  Mgr. Anna Vavřínová
PhD student
  Mgr. Barbora Mikulášková
PhD student
  Alena Charvátová
  Zdeňka Kopecká