Marina Barabas, PhD.

Research interests:

Moral philosophy, moral psychology, conceptions of will, action and moral thinking; Political philosophy; philosophy of religion; Ancient and Hellenistic Ethics, Philosophy of 17th and 18th and (largely English-speaking) 20th Century; Thinkers: Plato, Aristotle, Epictetus, Hobbes, Hume, Kant, Kierkegaard, Simone Weil, Wittgenstein

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Born in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia

1968-1970: Montreal, Canada

1970-1975: Hamburg, Germany

1975-1986: Hull and London, Great Britain

1986-1994/96: Boston, United States

1994/6-present: Prague, Czech Republic

University Education

1980-1987: King's College, University of London, PhD. Dissertation title: Morality and Praxis (adviser Prof. Peter Winch).

1977-1978: London School of Economics, M.Sc. Econ in History of Political Thought; course taught by Prof. Michael Oakeshott.

1974-1977: University of Hull, B.A. (Hons.) Joint degree in Philosophy and Politics.


2014-present: External Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague. Course: The Possibilities of the Will.

2011-12: External Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague. Course on Contemporary English speaking ethics, with particular reference to Bernard Williams.

1994-2007: Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague. Courses in Ancient and Modern Ethics, Political Philosophy, British Empiricism, Plato, Aristotle.

2001: Visiting Lecturer at Abo Academy, Finland. Course: Freedom and Attachment: Friendship in Plato´s Lysis.

1999-2000. Research Fellow at King's College London. Teaching in Ethics and Political Philosophy.

1990-1991: Lecturer at University of Massachusetts. Course: Social and Moral Problems.

1987: Visiting Lecturer at King's College, London. Course: Ethics of Hume and Kant.

1984, 1987: Visiting Lecturer at City University, London. Courses: Contemporary Moral Philosophy; Philosophy of Religion.

1981-1984: Tutorial Assistant at King's College, London. Teaching in Ethics, Political philosophy, Greek philosophy.


- 'In Search of Goodness', in: Cordner, C. (ed.) Philosophy, Ethics and Common Humanity, London, Routledge, 2011, pp. 82-105.

- 'The Problem with the Moral Problem: An Example of Lying', in: Organon F 8 (2001), 4, pp. 353-387.

- 'The Agent's Erosion of Value', in: Havlík, V. (ed.), Mezi jazykem a vědomím (Praha: Filosofia, 1999), pp. 157-181.

- 'Wittgensteinovy Zápisníky 1914-1916' (Wittgenstein's Notebooks 1914-1916), in: Filosofický časopis 47 (1999), 5, pp. 787-791.

- 'Transcending the Human' in: Phillips, D. Z, Tessin, T. (eds.), Religion Without Transcendence? (New York; London: St. Martin Press; Macmillan, 1997), pp. 177-232.

- 'Critical Notice: Martha Nussbaum, The Fragility of Goodness', in: Philosophical Investigations 12 (1989), 1, pp. 63-69.

- 'The Strangeness of Socrates', in: Philosophical Investigations 9 (1986), 2, pp. 89-110.


- (with P. Kouba, revision of (L. Menzel's) translation) I. Kant, Základy metafyziky mravů (Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals), Praha: Oikoumenh, 2014.

- (with J. Chotaš, Z. Masopust) T. Hobbes, Leviathan, Praha: Oikoumenh, 2009.

- (with P. Glombíček) L. Wittgenstein, 'Philosophy' (from German 'Philosophie'), in: Organon F 8 (2001), 2, pp. 174-189.

- S. Weil, 'Are We Struggling for Justice?' (from French 'Luttons-nous pour la justice?'), in: Philosophical Investigations 10 (1987), 1, pp. 1 – 10.


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