Authors: Podaná Zuzana, Eva Krulichová
Research on adolescent fear of crime is still relatively limited and often simply applies theoretical explanations proposed for adults. This study strives to extend current knowledge in this field by analyzing the impact of parenting style on fear of crime, namely parental attach...
Je rodina základ státu? A co je základ rodiny? Kdo je máma a kdo táta – a proč se to občas plete? Sledujte 18. díl měsíčníku Fokus Václava Moravce, tentokrát na téma Krize rodiny
Authors: Chaloupková, Jana, Petra Šalamounová
This study focuses on attitudes towards marriage, unmarried cohabitation, parenthood, and the roles of men and women in the family in Czech society in the past decade. Using data drawn from the ISSP Family and Gender Roles survey conducted in 1994 and 2002, the authors analyse ho...
Authors: Chaloupková, Jana
Using SEPM 2006 data this paper explores factors influencing a probability that unmarried mothers will marry after childbirth. The findings show that for the third of them unmarried parenthood is rather a new phase of family life-course leading to marriage than long term family a...
Authors: Hašková, Hana
Authors: Maříková, Hana
Naše socioložka Marcela Linková v rozhovoru pro magazín Ona Dnes.
26. 4. 2018
Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., a katedra sociologie Institutu sociologických studií FSV UK si Vás dovolují pozvat na jarní cyklus Čtvrtečních sociologických seminářů.
The Gender & Sociology Research Department is the key research institution  in the Czech Republic specialising in gender studies and feminist theory and methodology. The department publishes the transdisciplinary journal Gender and Research devoted to gender studies and femin...
Head of department: PhDr. Alena Křížková, Ph.D.
Authors: Hamplová, Dana (ed.), Jana Chaloupková, Eva Soukupová, Petr Sunega, Kryštof Zeman
The book concentrates on the non-marital fertility in the Czech Republic since 1989. After the description of demographic development, chapters ask following questions. What are attitudes towards out-of-wedlock childbearing? To what extend live unmarried mothers alone? What is th...
Authors: Chaloupková, Jana, Eva Mitchell
The paper explores the timing of the return from parental leave to the labour market according the family situation of mothers and the reasons of their decision to return to an employment or stay at home. The paper is based on analyses data from social survey Social and economic...
Authors: Dudová, Radka
The book under review offers an anthropologic analysis of the culture of Czech hospital maternity wards. It attempts to open a "middle way" in the discourse, without putting in conflict the medical and the natural concept of childbirth. 
Authors: Clark, Shelley, D. Hamplová
Single motherhood in sub-Saharan Africa has received surprisingly little attention, although it is widespread and has critical implications for children’s wellbeing. Using survival analysis techniques, we estimate the probability of becoming a single mother over women...
