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Michael J. Bojdys in Nature Chemistry

Michael J. Bojdys from IOCB Prague co-authored a Nature Chemistry paper reporting on a crystalline framework connected by hexa-coordinated silicate. So far, hexa-coordinated silicate occurred only in a few high-pressure silicate phases. Researchers developed and demonstrated a novel one-pot synthesis of silicate organic frameworks based on octahedral SiO6 building units.

This new type of microporous crystalline material features a mix of chemical design from the world of crystalline, purely organic frameworks (COFs - Covalent organic frameworks) and the world of purely inorganic zeolites.



Roeser J., Prill D., Bojdys M.J., Fayon P, Trewin A., Fitch A.N., Schmidt M.U., Thomas A.:
Anionic silicate organic frameworks constructed from hexacoordinate silicon centres.
Nature Chemistry, online from May 1, 2017.