Cross-border cooperation between Czechs and Germans is currently evolving in numerous areas. In recent years, the mining tradition has become the common denominator of cross-border activities in the Ore Mountains region. The study deals with this aspect of Czech-Saxon cross-border cooperation primarily from the perspective of regional development and tourism. It focuses on the Silver Road and its role in contemporary Czech-Saxon cross-border activities. As a symbol of shared heritage, the Silver Road exemplifies the so-called spatial turn, i.e. the cultural-social dimension of cross-border cooperation.
The article seeks to present the Silver Road as an example of cross-border cooperation in tourism/destination management and to enrich that cooperation based on a survey of local residents. It strives to determine the importance of the role in public awareness played by this specific tourism product, namely the Silver Road and the mining heritage as a whole, what Czechs and Saxons know about this local tradition and the neighbouring country’s traditions. It is concluded by summarizing the potentials and deficits of the Silver Road’s destination management.
The Silver Road: Czech-German Cross-Border Cooperation in Practice
- Author: Lukáš Novotný
- Category: 2016/2
ISSN: 1214-438X
Year: 2016
Edition: 14
Volume: 2
Page: 33
Citation: Novotný, Lukáš. 2016. "Stříbrná stezka: česko-německá přeshraniční spolupráce v praxi." Naše společnost 14 (2): 33-42,