Fluid Dynamics 2007

Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, Prague, October 24-26, 2007

The purpose of the colloquium is to bring together experts on theoretical and experimental fluid mechanics from the academic institutes, universities, and other research and development establishments, and to offer the opportunity to exchange up-to-date information on the solved problems, and to serve as a forum for the discussion with leading scientists.

Organizers: Institute of Thermomechanics ASCR, v. v. i. and Czech Pilot Centre - ERCOFTAC
Organizing Committee: Pavel Jonáš and Václav Uruba

The contributions are devoted to the experimental investigations, numerical simulations, and theoretical studies of laminar, transitional, and turbulent shear flows in the external and internal aero-hydrodynamics, environmental aerodynamics, biomechanics, and in other natural and industrial applications. Also, the reports on new experimental and numerical methods, experimental devices, and equipment for the fluid mechanical research are presented.

Colloquium Fluid Dynamics 2007

List of participants

The list of colloquim participants in pdf format can be downloaded here.

Extended abstracts

The book of abstracts (edited by Pavel Jonáš and Václav Uruba, published by the Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., ISBN 978-80-87012-07-09, Prague, 2007, first edition) in pdf format can be downloaded here.


The editors do not accept responsibility for the final appearance of the manuscripts. Text and facts may be copied and used freely, but credit should be given to these proceedings.

Antoš P.
Simultaneous measurement of velocity and temperature with two-sensor hot-wire probe
Bednář L., Tajč. L.
Control valve with shaped cone and flat bottom
Bertola V.
The capillary flow of a vield-stress fluid
Blažková M. , Schmoranzer D. , Skrbek L.
Experimental investigation of laminar and turbulent drag in classical and quantum oscillatory boundary layer flow
Blažková M. , Chagovets T.V. , Rotter M. , Schmoranzer D. , Skrbek L.
Cavitation in liquid helium due to a vibrating quartz fork
Bodnár T. , Kozel K.
Numerical simulation of free surface flow in channel with ribbed bottom
Dobeš J. , Fořt J. , Příhoda J.
Implementation of an algebraic bypass transition model into two-equation turbulence model for a finite volume method solver
Dobeš J. , Fořt J. , Furmánek P. , Fürst J. , Kladrubský M. , Kozel K.
Numerical solution of steady and unsteady transonic flow in outer aerodynamics
Dvořák V.
Study of optimization of lobed nozzle for mixing
Fuka V. , Brechler J.
Microscale airflow modelling using the immersed boundary method and implicit les
Furmánek P. , Horáček J. , Kozel K.
Numerical solution of steady and unsteady flow over a profile in a channel
Hadrava M. , Feistauer M. , Sváček P.
Numericall simulation of viscous flow in channels with moving walls
Hájek J. , Pátek Z. , Šafařík P.
Nonlinear lifting line method for airplane wings
Holman J. , Fürst J.
Numerical solution of compressible turbulent flows using earsm model
Chára Z. , Kysela B. , Hoření B.
Shear-driven cavity flow at high reynolds numbers
Jonáš P. , Elsner W. , Mazur O. , Uruba V. , Wysocki M.
On turbulent spots during boundary layer by-pass transition
Kharlamov A. , Chára Z. , Vlasák P.
Magnus and drag forces acting on golf ball
Kellnerová R. , Jaňour Z.
Symmetry of turbulent characteristic inside urban intersection
Knob M. , Uruba V.
The unsteady vortical structure in a jet impinging into a trough cavity
Kolář J.
Optimalization of ejector for supersonic wind tunnel
Kopáček T. , Beneš L. , Jirsák M.
Numerical and experimental study of the flow over a simple building
Kozel K. , Bodnár T. , Gulíková E. , Píša V.
Numerical simulation of flow and pollution dispersion over obstacles in complex terrain
Kučera V. , Feistauer M. , Prokopová J.
Numerical solution of compressible flow in a channet with moving walls
Matěcha J. , Novotný J. , Adamec J. , Kysela B. , Chára Z.
Time-resolved piv and lda measurements of pulsating flow
Matějka M. , Popelka L. , Nožička J.
Influence of synthetic jet to the compressor blade cascade total loss coefficient
Matějíček L. , Bodnár T. , Beneš L. , Gulíková E.
Gis based mapping for modelling of the flowfield above the surface of mining areas
Matějíček L. , Bodnár T. , Beneš L. , Gulíková E.
Gis based visualization for terrain measurements and dust deposition in the area of coal mines
Mazur O. , Jonáš P. , Uruba V.
The three hot-wire probe for simultaneous measurement of concentration and two velocity components in a binary gas mixture
Miczán M. , Nožička J. , Šafařík P.
Aerodynamic drag at flow past a golf ball
Mužík T. , Nožička J. , Šafařík P.
Numerical modelling of flow of two immiscible fluids in layer past a flat plate
Müller M.
Energy dissipated at the shock wave during its propagation in water
Něnička V. , Šonský J.
Some results of coherent structeres identification in plasma jets
Novotný J. , Nožička J.
Behaviour of seeding particles in the unsteady flow field
Otáhal J. , Fišer J. , Jícha M.
Performance of pressure and effervescent atomizers
Pacák A. , Matoušková K. , Tajč L. , Linhart J.
Damping factor of a simple body in an air flow
Pirkl L. , Bodnár T.
Numerical simulation of turbulent flows around sinusoidal hills
Popelka L. , Zelený L.
Flow control of boundary layer transition and separation on airfoils and bodies in free atmosphere conditions
Redondo J. , M.
Experimental investigation of stratification breaking by turbulent mixing
Růžička M. , Feistauer M. , Horáček J. , Sváček P.
Interaction of a channel flow and moving bodies
Sekula E. , Redondo J. M.
The structure of turbulent jets
Sládek A. , Příhoda J. ,Stanislav J. ,
Modelling of flow over two transversal ribs in a channel with free surface
Sládek I.
On validation 2d-flow study over an ercoftac hill
Slanec J.
The estimation of the optimal size of elements in regenerator with respect to hydraulic losses and heat transfer
Sváček P.
On numerical approximation of an aeroelastic problem
Štembera V.
Dynamics response of elastic tube on pulsatile loading
Tesař V. , Kukačka L. , Kellnerová R.
Investigation of characteristic of a blower used as an source in an experimental rog for studies of hellical instabilities in flowing fluids
Urban P , Hanzelka P , Musilová V. , Srnka A. , Skrbek L.
Design and tests of the cryostat with an experimental cell for turbulent thermal convection
Uruba V. , Knob M.
Dynamics of controlled boundary layer separation
Vítek O. , Polášek M. , Kozel K. , Macek J.
Critical problems of boussinesq-type turbulence model application in internal combustion engines
Wierciński Z. , Skotnicka A.
Investigation of hysteresis of the coanda effect at the flat plate
Wierciński Z. , Zabski J.
Local friction coefficient varying in time in the boundary layer induced wakes

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