Changing life-style patterns in urban and rural environment has been a perennial topic in social science research. The differences between urban and rural gained different meaning and different significance today then they has had during industrial urbanization characterized with strong outmigration from rural to urban areas. This article is focused on counterurbanization defined as a migration from urban areas to remote rural areas. The overall aim is explore values, perceptions and motivation which have effect on counterurban migration; and thus contribute to our understanding of counterurbanization in the Czechia as a post-socialist country. Firstly, perceptions of positives and negatives of urban as well as rural environments as they are reflected in counterurban migrant’s narratives are explored in detail. Secondly, differences between life-styles in urban and rural environments are discussed with special attention to discrepancies between expectation the migrants had and the reality they have faced. It is argued that counterurban migrant´s seek better environment for life rather than revival of rural community. The research is based on qualitative survey conducted in selected rural regions from 2010 to 2011.

Chapter in monograph
Šustrová, Klára, Šimon, Martin
Opuštění městského způsobu života? Analýza vybraných aspektů migrace na venkov
Šustrová, Klára, Šimon, Martin. 2012. „Opuštění městského způsobu života? Analýza vybraných aspektů migrace na venkov.“ s. 99-121. In: Temelová, J., Pospíšilová, L., Ouředníček, M. (eds.). Nové sociálně prostorové nerovnosti, lokální rozvoj a kvalita života. Plzeň: Aleš Čeněk.
urban and rural studies
migration and mobility