Akademie věd České republiky, 28.12.2017.
Metoda, kterou...
Takashi Kumagai | Direct observation and control of H-bond dynamics using scanning probe microscopy | 01.09.2015 10:00 |
Soumyadeep Misra | Radial junction architecture: a new approach for stable and highly efficient silicon thin film solar cells | 14.07.2015 10:00 |
M. Moro | Engineering spin structures at the atomic scale | 09.07.2015 15:00 |
Alan D. Bristow | Coherent Spectroscopy for Quantum Control of Matter | 07.07.2015 10:00 |
Joachim Reichert | Single-Molecule Junctions in Strong Optical Fields | 09.06.2015 10:00 |
Iván Brihuega | Visualizing and manipulating graphene physics at the atomic scale | 21.05.2015 15:00 |
Bert Voigtländer | Charge Transport Measurements at the Nanoscale using a Multi-Tip STM | 28.04.2015 10:00 |
Alexander Poddubny | Surface engineering in silicon- and germanium- based nanocrystals | 21.04.2015 10:00 |
Tomáš Polívka | Carotenoid photophysics Rich excited-state properties of seemingly simple molecules | 24.03.2015 10:00 |
Jiří Červenka | DNA detection using graphene and diamond | 17.02.2015 10:00 |
Akademie věd České republiky, 28.12.2017.
Metoda, kterou...
České noviny, 12.12.2017.
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Středočeské inovační centrum, 15.12.2017.
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YouTube.com, 13.12.2017.
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