MOVPE Technological laboratory - Metal-Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxy
Technological laboratory MOVPE - growth of A
V GaAs and GaSb based structures by epitaxy from organomellic compounds using AIXTRON 200 equipment.
V based layers and structures are prerpared using commercial equipment AIXTRON 200 equipped with RF heating in H
2 atmosphere purified by diffusion through Pd.
Organometallic compounds and hydrides of Al, Ga, In, As, Sb, respectively, are used as precursors: TMAl, TtBAl, TMGa, TEGa, TMIn, AsH
3, tBAsH
2, TDMASb, TESb. Z dopantů DETe, SiH
4, CCl
4, DEZn.
Examples of prepared materials:
- GaAs/InAs/InGaAs - Quantum dots (QD), Quantum wells (QW), Multi-QW, Multi-QD, QW a QD lasers
- GaAs/AlGaAs - planare waveguides, Quantum wells (QW), Multi-QW, delta doping Si
- GaAs/InAlAs - QW, Multi-QW
- GaSb, GaAsSb, InAsSb, InGaSb laers and struktures with QW, Multi-QW
Previous technological experience: A
V LPE and low dislocation bulk crystal growth (GaSb, GaAs).
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