Intranet Čeština


24.1. 2018

PhD Programme 2018 - Call for applications

PhD Programme 2018 at Institute of Physiology CAS just starts. Application deadline: March 23, 2018. The applicant must complete an ON-LINE APPLICATION FORM and select at least one choice from…

24.1. 2018

Česká a Slovenská akademie věd uzavřely dohodu o spolupráci

Akademie věd ČR a Slovenská akademie věd ve čtvrtek 11. ledna 2018 podepsaly dohodu o vzájemné spolupráci.Obě instituce přitom spojuje nejen téměř čtyřicet let společné historie, ale též obdobná…

24.1. 2018

Sensor domain of TRPA1 channel contributes to detection of painful stimuli

Acute pain is a normal reaction of the somatosensory system to noxious stimulation which serves a protective function and is the first symptom of disease, especially of inflammatory origin. In its…

23.1. 2018

Přemysl Jiruška was appointed a professor

Doc. MUDr. Přemysl JIRUŠKA, Ph.D. was appointed a Professor in Medical Physiology and Pathophysiology on January 22. The appointment procedure took a place at Charles University, Prague.

Events calendar

5.2 2018 15:00

Advancement Report - 2018 (2)

Speakers / program, IPHYS lecture hall.

12.2 2018 15:00

LECTURE "The Dicer - one gene two phenotypes"

Witold Konopka, PhD, Deputy Director for Scientific Matters of the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology Polish Academy of Sciences; Head of the Laboratory of Animal Models Neurobiology Center Nencki

19.2 2018 15:00

Advancement Report - 2018 (3)

Speakers / program, IPHYS lecture hall.

26.2 2018 15:00

LECTURE "KLK5 and KLK7 Ablation Fully Rescues"

Doc. Radislav Sedláček, Ph.D., Czech Center for Phenogenomics. Lecture hall.

5.3 2018 15:00

Advancement Report - 2018 (4)

Přednášející / program, IPHYS lecture hall.

12.3 2018 15:00

LECTURE "Ethical frontiers in biomedical research"

Mgr. et Mgr.  Marek Vácha, PhD.  IPHYS lecture hall

19.3 2018 15:00


Prof. MUDr. Ladislav Vyklický, DrSc. Lecture hall.

About us

Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Institute of Physiology of the CAS (IPHYS) is the Czech leading research institution in the field of normal and pathological physiology.


The academic and educational endeavours of its experts aim to enhance the fundamental knowledge on metabolism and heart and brain function, thus paving the way to novel diagnostic and therapeutic procedures required to tackle serious medical conditions in humans.More about us