
Ing. Ján Kopačka

Telefon +420 266 053 018 E-mail Místnost M2207 Oddělení Oddělení D 4 – Rázy a vlny v tělesech Odborné zaměření výpočtová mechanika kontaktu
2010 − 2018: Doktorské studium na Fakultě strojní, ČVUT v Praze, obor Mechanika tuhých a poddajných těles a prostředí
2004 − 2010: Magisterské studium na Fakultě strojní, ČVUT v Praze, obor Inženýrská mechanika a mechatronika
2000 − 2004: Střední průmyslová škola strojní, VOŠ, SPŠ a OV Čáslav, obor Mechatronika

2010: Babuškova cena (1. místo v kategorii diplomových prací)

Pracovní zkušenosti
2013 − nyní: Výpočtář ve Výzkumné centrum pro strojírenskou výrobní techniku a technologii (60 %)
2010 − 2012: Výpočtář ve VAMET s.r.o. (60 %)
2009 − nyní: Odborný pracovník v Ústavu termomechaniky AV ČR, v. v. i. (40 %)

Členství ve vědeckých společnostech
Česká společnost pro mechaniku
Vyhledat publikace autora v databázi AVČR (ASEP)
Vybrané publikace
ResearcherID: G-7841-2014
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2975-8347
Scopus Author ID: 53866563700
Google scholar

Impaktované publikace
J. Kopačka, A. Tkachuk, D. Gabriel, R. Kolman, M. Bischoff, J. Plešek, On stability and reflection-transmission analysis of the bipenalty method in contact-impact problems: a one-dimensional, homogeneous case study, in Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng., p, 1-25, 2017, doi: 10.1002/nme,5712

R. Kolman, M. Okrouhlík, A. Berezovski, D. Gabriel, J. Kopačka, J. Plešek, B-spline based finite element method in one-dimensional discontinuous elastic wave propagation, in Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol. 46, p. 382-395, 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.apm.2017.01.077

J. Kopačka, D. Gabriel, J. Plešek, M. Ulbin, Assessment of methods for computing the closest point projection, penetration and gap functions in contact problems, in Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng., vol. 105, no. 11, p. 803-833, 2015, doi: 10.1002/nme.4994.

R. Kolman, S. V. Sorokin, B. Bastl, J. Kopačka, J. Plešek, Isogeometric analysis of free vibration of simple shaped elastic samples, in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 137, no. 4, p. 2089-2100, 2015, doi: 10.1121/1.4916199.

Kapitoly v knihách
J.Kopačka, D. Gabriel, R. Kolman, J. Plešek, A large deformation frictionless contact treatment in NURBS-based isogeometric analysis, in series Computational and Experimental Methods in Structures - Advances in computational coupling and contact mechanics, publisher. World Scientific, 2017, (submitted).

J.Kopačka, D. Gabriel, R. Kolman, J. Plešek, A symmetry preserving contact treatment in isogeometric analysis, in Proceedings of the 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry, Stuttgart, Germany, October 11-13, 2017. doi: 10.18419/opus-9334 pdf

J.Kopačka, D. Gabriel, R. Kolman, J. Plešek, On the contact pressure oscillations of an isogeometric contact-impact algorithm, in YIC GACM 2015, Aachen, Germany, July 20-22, 2015. pdf

J.Kopačka, D. Gabriel, R. Kolman, J. Plešek, Isogeometric contact analysis: A study of an explicit dynamic contact algorithm, in Proc. Výpočty Konstrukcí Metodou Konečných Prvků 2014, Pilsen, Czech Republic, October 27, 2014. pdf

J. Kopačka, D. Gabriel, J. Plešek, R. Kolman, Influence of mass lumping techniques on contact pressure oscillations in explicit finite element contact-impact algorithm based on isogeometric analysis with NURBS, in Proc. SVCS International Symposium on Stability, Vibration, and Control of Machines and Structures, Belgrade, Serbia, July 3-5, 2014. odkaz

J. Kopačka, D. Gabriel, R. Kolman, J. Plešek, M. Ulbin, Studies in numerical stability of explicit contact-impact algorithm to the finite element solution of wave propagation problems, in Proc. 4th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Kos Island, Greece, June 12-14, 2013. pdf

J. Kopačka, R. Kolman, D. Gabriel, J. Plešek, Frictionless contact of elastic bodies: Comparison of treatment in finite element analysis and isogeometric analysis, in Proc. Engineering Mechanics 2012, Svratka, Czech Republic, May 14-17, 2012. pdf

J. Kopačka, D. Gabriel, J. Plešek, M. Ulbin, Utilising optimization methods for computing of normal vector to contact surface, in Proc. Engineering Mechanics 2010, Svratka, Czech Republic, May 10-13, 2010. pdf

J.Kopačka, D. Gabriel, R. Kolman, J. Plešek, Performance and implementation aspects of an isogeometric mortar-based contact algorithm, in MKP 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, November 26, 2015. pdf

J.Kopačka, D. Gabriel, R. Kolman, J. Plešek, On the contact pressure oscillations of an isogeometric contact-impact algorithm, in AC.CES 2015, Aachen, Germany, July 23-24, 2015. pdf

J.Kopačka, D. Gabriel, J. Plešek, M. Ulbin, Computation of the distance between a point and a quadratic surface with application in contact mechanics, in EUROMECH Colloquium 540, Advanced Modelling of Wave Propagation in Solids, Prague, Czech Republic, October 1-3, 2012. pdf

Disertační práce

J. Kopačka, Efficient and robust numerical solution of contact problems by the finite element method, Disertační práce, 2018. pdf

Diplomová práce
J. Kopačka, Assessment of numerical procedures for determination of the penalty function in contact problems, Diplomová práce, 2010. pdf

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