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119 captures
4 Mar 17 - 1 Mar 25
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Pavel Jáchym
e-mail: jachym@ig.cas.cz
Phone: +420 226 258 444
Research Interests: galactic radio astronomy

Core team

Miroslav Bárta (deputy head, Solar ALMA DataRed lead)
e-mail: barta@asu.cas.cz
Phone: +42 0 323620324
Research Interests: Physics of solar flares and prominences. Solar radio astronomy. Numerical HPC simulations in plasma astrophysics. Solar ALMA research.

Arkadiusz Berlicki
e-mail: berlicki@asu.cas.cz
Phone: +42 0 323620243
Research Interests: Solar physics, observations and modelling of solar active phenomena (flares, Ellerman bursts, prominences). NLTE modelling of the solar atmosphere. Radio emission from solar eruptions.

Abhijeet Borkar
e-mail: abhijeet.borkar@asu.cas.cz
Phone: +42 0 226258422
Research Interests: Sagittarius A* and galactic center environment, dust around active galactic nuclei, radio interferometry, formation and evolution of SMBH and their host galaxies

Wenjuan Liu
e-mail: wenjuan.liu@asu.cas.cz
Phone: +42 0 323620157
Research Interests: Solar radio astronomy, solar flares, magnetic reconection

Nataliia Muratova
e-mail: muratova@asu.cas.cz
Phone: +42 0 323620243
Research Interests: Solar radio astronomy, electronics engineering, radio astronomy instruments development

Rhys Taylor
e-mail: rhysyt@gmail.com
Phone: +42 0 226258445
Research Interests: Galactic and extragalactic physics, ISM

Founding, external and previous members, collaborators...

Ivica Skokić
e-mail: skokic@asu.cas.cz
Research Interests: solar radio astronomy, large-scale solar velocity fields

Marian Karlický
e-mail: karlicky@asu.cas.cz
Research Interests: radio astronomy, plasma astrophysics

Bartosz Dąbrowski
Space Radio-diagnostics Research Center, Geodesy and Land Management, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland
e-mail: bartosz.dabrowski@uwm.edu.pl
Research Interests: solar radio astronomy, solar ALMA test observations

Roman Brajša
University of Zagreb, Croatia
e-mail: romanb@geof.hr
Research Interests: solar radio astronomy, solar ALMA test observations

Devaky Kunneriath
National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville, USA
Research Interests: galactic centre science, radio astronomy

Michaela Kraus
e-mail: kraus@sunstel.asu.cas.cz
Research Interests: stellar radio astronomy

Gottfried Mann
Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam, Germany

Štěpán Urban
e-mail: stepan.urban1@centrum.cz
Research Interests: molecular spectroscopy

Christian Vocks
Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam, Germany

Sven Wedemeyer
Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo
e-mail: sven.wedemeyer@astro.uio.no
Research Interests: numerical (MHD) simulations and high-resolution observations of the solar chromosphere

Jiří Polach
e-mail: jiri.polach@seznam.cz
Research Interests: the technical support of the ARC node (computers, data storage, internet connection)

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