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Seminar / Tuesday, 06.02.2018 15:00

Apostolos Apostolakis (Department of Condensed Matter Theory, Institute of Physics, Czech Acad. of Sci.)

Abstract: We study the nonlinear dynamics and band transport in a semiconductor superlattice driven by a high-frequency acoustic plane wave. The transport characteristics of the system are investigated by using exact path-integral solutions of the Boltzmann transport equation. We show that electron drift and averaged velocities have strongly non-monotonic behavior induced by changing the amplitude of the acoustic wave. These nontrivial kinetic features are associated to some global bifurcations arising in connection with the variation of the control parameter. They cause...

Seminar / Monday, 12.02.2018 14:00

Roberto Oliveri (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

We define multipole moments for an arbitrary theory of gravity in terms of canonical Noether charges associated with specific residual transformations in canonical harmonic gauge, which we call multipole symmetries. We show that our definition exactly matches Thorne's mass and current multipole moments in Einstein gravity. For radiative configurations, the total multipole charges -- including the contributions from the source and the radiation -- are given by surface charges at spatial infinity. The conservation of total multipole charges is used to derive the variation of source multipole...

Conference / Monday, 21.05.2018 to Friday, 25.05.2018

Thematical scope of the XXIII Czech–Polish Seminar will include all its traditional subjects:

  • Ferroelectric and structural phase transitions
  • Dielectric and microwave properties, THz and IR spectroscopy
  • Liquid crystals and polymeric liquid crystals
  • ...

Conference / Monday, 02.07.2018 09:00 to Friday, 06.07.2018 18:00

We are delighted to invite you to Prague in the Czech Republic for the “jubilee” 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics from 2nd to 6th July 2018.

The conference covers a broad range of plasma science spanning from nuclear fusion to low temperature plasmas, and astrophysical plasmas to laser plasma interaction. The event is organized under the auspices of the European Physical Society (EPS) Plasma Physics Division by the ELI Beamlines Czech Republic (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences) and will take place in the famous historical Žofín Palace and the Mánes Gallery...

Past events

Seminář / Thursday, 01.02.2018 16:00

Axions in cosmology and astrophysics

Seminář / Thursday, 01.02.2018 14:00

Quark-Gluon Plasma: the Fastest Rotating Fluid

Seminář / Wednesday, 31.01.2018 14:00

Theoretical systematics in galaxy clustering in LCDM and beyond

Seminář / Tuesday, 30.01.2018 15:00

Transport properties of the Hubbard model within the dynamical mean-field theory

Seminář / Tuesday, 30.01.2018 10:00

Spin sensing and magnetic design, one atom at a time

Seminář / Tuesday, 23.01.2018 15:00

Single Molecules at Surfaces: Wires, Switches and Motors

Seminář / Tuesday, 16.01.2018 10:00

Ferroionic states: coupling surface electrochemistry with bulk ferroelectricity

Seminář / Tuesday, 19.12.2017 15:00

Star Clusters in the Universe: from the First Stars to the Gould's belt

Seminář / Tuesday, 19.12.2017 10:00

Machine Learning for Interpolation of Electronic Structure Calculations

Seminář / Thursday, 14.12.2017 14:00

Top precision at the LHC
