- Palaeoecology and trophic structure of selected Cambrian and Ordovician fossil assemblages in the Barrandian area , GACR , Radek Mikuláš
- Platinum-group element geochemistry of strongly differentiated magmatic complexes: examples from the Bohemian Massif , GA AV , Lukáš Ackerman
- Record of tectonic processes and sea-level change during inception of an intracontinental basin: Cenomanian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin , GACR , Marcela Svobodová
- Taphocoenoses with echinoderms in the Upper Turonian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin: taphonomy, taxonomy, palaeoecology, biostratigraphy , GACR , Jiří Žítt
- The effect of the Basal Choteč Event on faunistic communities of the Prague Basin , GA AV , Leona Chadimová
- Combined magnetostratigraphic studies of Cenozoic volcanics, Bohemian Massif , GA AV , Vladimír Cajz
- Upper crustal model of the Ohře Rift and its vicinity , GA AV , Vladimír Cajz
- Biochronology and taxonomy of the Middle Devonian polycystine Radiolaria of the Barrandian , GACR , Petr A. Čejchan
- Brachiopods of the northern Calcareous Alps in the fossil record at the Triassic x Jurassic boundary , GACR , Miloš Siblík
- Carboniferous fructifications and their spores from the Upper Silesian Basin (Namurian-Westphalia D), Czech Republic and Poland , GA AV , Jiří Bek