In January 2011 Public Opinion Research Centre carried out a survey about debts and loans. In this press release are published attitudes of Czech citizens to debts of common people on one hand and opinion about the Czech Republic public debt on the other hand. In this text there are also published attitudes of Czechs to individual debts, e.g. acceptability of loans for real estate, education, consumption, car, holidays or for starting a business.

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In January 2010 Public Opinion Research Centre carried out a survey about debts and loans. In this press release are published attitudes of Czech citizens to debts of common people on one hand and opinion about the Czech Republic public debt on the other hand.

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In January 2010 Public Opinion Research Centre carried out a survey about debts and loans. In this press release are published attitudes of Czech citizens to individual debts, e.g. acceptability of loans for real estate, education, consumption, car, holidays or for starting a business. Another question was focused on importance of financial resources for unexpected expenses. Along with attitudes there were also questions concerning the indebtedness of households, in other words behaviour of population.

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In January 2010, the participants in the research of the Center for Public Opinion Research commented on the phenomenon of borrowing money, in other words, to live on credit.

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Housing policy belongs to areas, what most respondents are not satisfied with and this area need principle reform according to most of respondents. More than a half or respondents do not consider existence of two costs of rentals (legal regulated rent and open market rent) as right thing, this opinion is mostly shared by house owners, respondents without their own house or flat and people who pay open market rent.

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Czech citizen's awareness of membership of the Czech Republic in WTO is relatively low. Only one third (32 %) of polled people answered correctly that the Czech Republic is a member of WTO, 4 % gave an incorrect answer and 64 % admitted that they don't know. Opinion of Czech public on WTO's influence in economic development of the Czech Republic is rather positive (21 %) or neutral (27 %) than negative.

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61% of czech citizens indicate current economic situation of Czech Republic positively.

(when 3 % indicate it as very good, and 58 % probably good). On contrary 37 % judge it critically,when 34 % of these indicate it as probably bad, and 3 % very bad. On a ladder (top ten according to public opinion on economic situation) with other monitored states, Czech Republic share third and fourth place together with Hungary, when the first and second position is occupied by Germany and Austria.

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In the October census carried out by the Centre for Public Opinion Research respondents expressed the level of their support for individual groups. The largest share of support was allocated to small private entrepreneurs (electricians, heating engineers, seamstresses, etc), followed by owners of mall shops and doctors. A mostly negative response was detected towards senior politicians, foreign owners of companies and senior officials and civil servants.

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The view of the Czech general public on entrepreneurs is clearly differentiated depending on whether it is owners of small, medium or large enterprise that are in question. Generally it can be said that people appreciate owners of small and medium enterprise much more than large companies. People usually reckon that both groups of entrepreneurs “have the courage to take risks and to explore unknown fields”, they perceive them as “enterprising, clever people with good ideas” and they think that “they work many hours per day, at the expense of the time that could be spend with the family or just on themselves”, the majority of the general public however think that it is a typical feature for large-scale entrepreneurs to search for loopholes in the law, to jointly prevent price reductions, to be closely connected to current politicians, to be recruited from the previous nomenclature, to be ruthless in destroying their competitors, and to acquired their property in a fraudulent way.

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