The view of the Czech general public on entrepreneurs is clearly differentiated depending on whether it is owners of small, medium or large enterprise that are in question. Generally it can be said that people appreciate owners of small and medium enterprise much more than large companies. People usually reckon that both groups of entrepreneurs “have the courage to take risks and to explore unknown fields”, they perceive them as “enterprising, clever people with good ideas” and they think that “they work many hours per day, at the expense of the time that could be spend with the family or just on themselves”, the majority of the general public however think that it is a typical feature for large-scale entrepreneurs to search for loopholes in the law, to jointly prevent price reductions, to be closely connected to current politicians, to be recruited from the previous nomenclature, to be ruthless in destroying their competitors, and to acquired their property in a fraudulent way.

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32% of those who were asked indicated that the standard of living of their household was good, contrary to the opinion of 25%, and 43 % of respondents characterised it as neither good nor bad. Compared to all previous polls from 2003 this shows a rather significant setback in the subjective evaluation of the standard of living of households, which in the past indicated that up to two fifths of respondents considered it to be good and less than one fifth had the opposite opinion.

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More than three quarters of Czechs are satisfied with the level of interesting aspects of their jobs and with relationships between people at their workplace. More than a half of employees also were satisfied with the care received from their employer, with material possessions and equipment at the workplace, with the way their work is organised, with its intensity, with their line-manager, and with the extent to which their expertise is used.

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More than three quarters of Czechs are satisfied with the level of interesting aspects of their jobs and with relationships between people at their workplace. More than a half of employees also were satisfied with the care received from their employer, with material possessions and equipment at the workplace, with the way their work is organised, with its intensity, with their line-manager, and with the extent to which their expertise is used.

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The June survey allocated some of its space for opinions of respondents on situation of the owners of small and medium size enterprises. The results show that two fifths (41%) consider the objections raised by the concerned groups to be justified. 28% think the opposite and almost a third (31%) do not feel to be competent to judge. Those respondents who believe that the objections raised by entrepreneurs were justified also commented on the question if certain bodies should help to solve their problems.

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Within the 15+ population group there were 44.2% of economically inactive people in the first half of 2003, whilst the biggest proportion consisted of pensioners (23.7%), followed by students and young apprentices (12.3%). The share of the unemployed was 4.8%, housewives and mothers on maternity leave represented 3.4%. In the group of those that were economically active (55.8%), there were 8.

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Only 4.4% of respondents over 18 gave a positive answer to the question “Have you worked abroad?”. About a fifth stated that their last work abroad was organised under an international agreement. Others characterised it as daily or weekly commuting or a seasonal job lasting up to three months, or work organised elsewhere. There was a rather large quantity of recorded information on work abroad (35%): a quarter of respondents stated that some of their friends worked there (24%) and another 11% stated that a family member had worked abroad.

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Results of our survey show that currently 6% of Czechs are considering working abroad, almost half of them are young people between 15 and 19, with students prevailing in the group. Work abroad is considered by men twice as often as women, further, it is considered by people without dependants, single and lone people. Most Czechs considering work abroad would prefer their destination to be Germany, the USA, the UK or Canada.

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Within the group of the 15+ population where the option of unemployment could be first considered, a quarter of them (26%) have experienced unemployment since 1989, while 9% of were unemployed repeatedly. People with basic education (43%) were those who most often experienced unemployment, unlike university graduates where the ratio of those who had ever been unemployed was relatively low (9%).

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Our May survey confirmed a low level of professional mobility of our employees: 45% of them have remained in one profession during the course of their lives, a quarter of employees have changed their profession twice at most: 16% once and 9% twice. 7% changed it three times and another 7% more than three times. Respondents who changed their profession at least once gave more detailed information on how many times they had done it since 1989.

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