FLEET.ORG, 19.8.2017.
There is considerable excitement about...
Principal investigator: Roman Hvězda
Title: ELITRANS - Facilitating the transformation of ELI from ERDF funded, distributed infrastructures towards a unified ELI-ERIC
Programme: H2020-EU.
Funding scheme: RIA - Research and Innovation action
Project RCN: 199115
Project ID: 676627
Time period :1/9/2015 - 31/8/2018
Total cost: 3,395,383.75 EUR
EU contribution for Institute of Physics: 772 135 EUR
Coordinated in: Belgium
While the implementation of the “Extreme Light Infrastructure” ELI is nearing completion in Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania, its remaining goal is to create the necessary conditions for the future operation as a single, distributed international laser user facility of pan-European dimension.
The scope of the present ELITRANS project is to complement the final implementation stage by preparing and undertaking the transformation from three legally (but not conceptually) independent construction projects towards operation as a single international legal entity, ELI-ERIC.
The main objectives are:
The proposed actions are structured in eleven Work Packages. They cover the majority of activities considered necessary by the Commission for a successful implementation of ESFRI projects, and take into account specific recommendations by the ESFRI Assessment Expert Group. The objectives shall be achieved through concepts jointly developed with European and international partner facilities, and world-leading e-infrastructures.
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