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Vědní koncepce KSČ a její institucionalizace po roce 1948

Markéta Devátá, Doubravka Olšáková, Vítězslav Sommer, Peter Dinuš

The collective monograph Science policy of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and its institutionalization after 1948 focuses on the science and education policy of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia during 1945-60, getting not only into the deeper context of the afterwar intellectual agenda of the communist discursus, but bringing also the wider context of its consequences before and in 1968. The first chapter (The Ideologization of Scholarship and Education in Czechoslovakia, 1945–60; Markéta Devátá and Doubravka Olšáková) takes for the starting point the general context of the political background and its impact on the science and education policy while the second chapter (Historiography as Part of Politics: The Beginning of Party Historiography in Czechoslovakia, 1950–55; Vítězslav Sommer) charts out the development of the historiography of the CPCz in the first half of the 1950s, and the activities of the Institute of the history of the CPCz, which primary objective was to set up principal lines of the mandatory reading of Czechoslovak history and its progressive traditions. The next two chapters focus on the analysis of major educational trends in two types of universities (The University of Political Science and Economics, 1949–53; Markéta Devátá and Doubravka Olšáková; The Czechoslovak Communist Party School of Politics, 1953–69, Peter Dinuš) which were newly established in order to train up new political elite and technocracy of new regime.

DEVÁTÁ, Markéta – OLŠÁKOVÁ, Doubravka – SOMMER, Vítězslav – DINUŠ, Peter. Vědní koncepce KSČ a její institucionalizace po roce 1948. Praha: Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v.v.i., 2010. 279 s. Práce z dějin vědy, sv. 23. ISBN 978-80-7285-123-2.

Vědní koncepce KSČ a její institucionalizace po roce 1948

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