PhD positions within Einstein Visiting Fellow programme at TU Berlin
Two PhD scholarships are available in the framework of the Einstein Visiting Fellow programme at TU Berlin within the Collaborative Research Center ”Control of self-organizing nonlinear systems: Theoretical methods and concepts of application”. A successful candidate is supposed to work under the supervision of Eduard Feireisl on problems related to the mathematical theory of fluid mechanics. Basic knowledge of PDE’s and functional analysis, including the framework of Sobolev spaces and weak solutions is required.
The scholarship is granted for 3 years and amounts to about 1450 Euro per month (tax free, no insurances included) starting April 2018. The PhD student is supposed to settle at TU Berlin. For more information contact Eduard Feireisl ( or Etienne Emmrich ( Please, send your application together with a CV via e-mail to not later than by March 4, 2018.
Minicourse on the Navier-Stokes equations
The Institute of Mathematics of the CAS is organising "Minicourse on the Navier-Stokes equations" which will take place in Prague, February 12-16, 2018. The programme will consist of series of lecture by Professor G. P. Galdi followed by discussions.
Prague Summer School on Discrete Mathematics
The Institute of Mathematics of the CAS and the Computer Science Institute of Charles University are organising Prague Summer School on Discrete Mathematics which will take place in Prague, July 16-20, 2018. Piotr Micek, Aleksandar Nikolov, and Peter Pal Pach will deliver three lecture courses.
The European Young Researchers Award
The European Young Researchers Award is granted since 2010 to researchers demonstrating outstanding research performance and leadership. It aims to inspire early stage researchers to incorporate a European dimension and perspective into their research. The Award is granted each year; in odd years, the prize is dedicated to PhD candidates, and in even years to post-doctoral fellows. The Award consists of a Certificate, waiving the participation fee to ESOF, a grant to cover travel and accommodation for the stay in the ESOF city and a two years’ free EuroScience membership. ESOF 2018 will be held in Toulouse from 9 to 14 July.
Eduard Čech Distinguished Visitor Programme
The programme has been established with the aim to significantly enhance the creative environment in the Institute of Mathematics by bring here highly distinguished mathematicians for prolonged periods. The Eduard Čech Distinguished Visitor for 2017 will be Prof. Giovanni P. Galdi from the University of Pittsburgh. For the details of the programme see the corresponding
Pavel Exner received the Neuron Award for Contribution to Science
Prof. Pavel Exner, researcher in the Institute of Nuclear Physics CAS and President of the European Mathematical Society received the Neuron Award for Contribution to Science. This prestigious award is designated to acknowledge and recognise top Czech scientists at home and abroad who have reached outstanding achievements in their field and as such can serve as role models and inspiration.
Eduard Feireisl received the Honorary Bernard Bolzano Medal for Merits in Mathematical Sciences
Pavel Pudlák and Vladimír Šverák received the Neuron Award for Contribution to Science 2017
The fourteenth Eduard Čech Lecture: Prof. Giovanni P. Galdi, University of Pittsburgh
Samuel R. Buss received the Bolzano Medal
Dny otevřených dveří v Matematickém ústavu AV ČR | Open Houses in the Institute of Mathematics CAS
Eduard Feireisl was awarded the Gold Medal of the Charles University
Martin Doležal received the Otto Wichterle Award for young researchers
Semináře pro učitele matematiky
Yves Meyer receives the Abel Prize 2017