The other questions focused on topic – Social coherence were included in November survey.

These questions should show us what is public opinion about influences upon enhancement of social coherence among people in our society.Respondents were shown a list of possible answers and they most often chose the statement „strict right of recovery for law violence“, which would help to enhance social coherence among people, this opinion was shared by 94 % of people (answers it would definitely help or it would rather help).

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In November survey Centre for public opinion research focused on question what are roots of social tension in Czech society. Respondents had to think about what social differences cause tension in the society. The differences among politicians and other citizens are supposed to be the most problematic (when 48 % of respondents say that these differences lead to deep social tension), property difference is considered to be second most problematic difference.

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Questions about social coherence, trust and solidarity among people were part of November survey. Respondents had to take an attitude to various statements about present social sytem. Most of respondents (38 %) think that there is no problem in communication with most of people and there exist lower social class and top of society, but most of people have nothing in common with them. Then respondents talked about current state of social coherence and solidarity in contemporary society.

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In November survey CVVM asked respondents about their sympathies for different groups of people (defined by profession or social status). Scientists achieved the most public sympathies (average evaluation =1,89; using 7-point scale), followed by doctors (2,24), farmers(2,40), miners(2,45), poor people(2,75), popular artists (3,13), diggers (3,18), clerks (3,44), entrepreneurs (3,59), managers (3,72) and policemen (3,82).

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In october survey made by CVVM there were some questions about public attitudes to homosexuals and lesbians and CVVM could compare

results of public opinion surveys in Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. In comparism to these countries Czech citizens mostly

agree with right of homosexuals to enter into a legal partnership (62%) or marriage (42%). Most of Czech people(43%) stated that

they know personally a homosexual or lesbian, on contrary only 14% Poles, 18% Hungarians and 30% Slovaks know a homosexual person personally.

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As a part of September survey there was a question for respondents to express their opinion on acceptability and unacceptability of certain types of behaviour. Czech citizens consider drink drive offence to be the least acceptable behaviour. Respondents were very strict when judging situation of a person who has no job and who is on the dole and gifts or whethera person sometimes has conflict with Police.

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The April results of CVVM survey shows that single women are more decided to get married in future than single men.

81 % of single women and 64 % of single men would like to get married in the future.

The most frequently named reasons for getting married were “children” (50 %) and the opinion that "two is better than one” (30 %), a fifth of respondents consider taking marriage vows...

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March survey confirmed tolerant attitude of czech public to foeticide. 7 out of 10 citizens think that a woman has right to decide herself to end her pregnancy. Support of law about registered partnership has drop a bit since 2003.

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Respondents were shown a list of groups of people and they had to choose which group they would not want to be their neighbours. Czech citizens refused these groups of people to be their neighbours : alcoholics (87%), drug addicts (87%), people with criminal past (77%), Romanians (75%). Other groups of people were supposed to be more or less acceptable.

A third of people said, they would want to live far from homosexuals (34%), emotional unbalanced people (32%),almost a fifth of public would not want people with different colour of skin (22%), foreigners living in Czech Republic (21%) to be their neighbours and 1 out of six respondents would not want rich people to be their neighbours, the unwanted people are also rich people (17%),politicians (16%).

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Czech respondents are convinced of probably or definitely bad relationships among people in Czech Republic,public opinion about bad relationships(53%) prevails opinions about good relationships(43%). People with good standart of living evaluate relationships among people more positively. People under 30 years consider relationships among people are better, older people are more critical. Age differencies are related to marital status of respondent.

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