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19 Mar 09 - 18 Apr 19
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Andronova A., Szydlo F., Teplý F., Tobrmanová M., Volot A., Stará I., Starý I., Rulíšek L., Šaman D., Cvačka J., Fiedler P., Vojtíšek P.:
The Quest for alternative routes to racemic and nonracemic azahelicene derivatives.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 74: 189-215, 2009.

Klusák V., Bařinka C., Plechanovová A., Mlčochová P., Konvalinka J., Rulíšek L., Lubkowski J.:
Reaction mechanism of glutamate carboxypeptidase II revealed by mutagenesis, X-ray crystallography and computational methods.
Biochemistry 48: 4126-4138, 2009.

Lepšík M., Srnec M., Hnyk D., Grüner B., Plešek J., Havlas Z., Rulíšek L.:
Exo-substituent effects in halogenated icosahedral B12H12(2-) and octahedral B6H6(2-) closo-borane skeletons: Chemical reactivity studied by experimental and quantum chemical methods.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 74: 1-27, 2009.

Mansurova M., Klusák V., Nešněrová P., Muck A., Doubský J., Svatoš A.:
Design and synthesis of bombykol analogues for probing pheromone-binding protein-ligand interactions.
Tetrahedron 65: 1069-1076, 2009.

Pytelková J., Hubert J., Lepšík M., Šobotník J., Šindelka R., Křížková I., Horn M., Mareš M.:
Digestive alpha-amylases of the flour moth Ephestia kuehniella - adaptation to alkaline environment and plant inhibitors.
FEBS Journal 276: 3531-3546, 2009.

Řezáčová P., Pokorná J., Brynda J., Kožíšek M, Cígler P., Lepšík M., Fanfrlík J., Řezáč J., Grantz Šašková K., Sieglová I., Plešek J., Šícha V., Grüner B., Oberwinkler H., Sedláček J., Kräusslich H. G., Hobza P., Král V., Konvalinka J.:
Design of HIV protease inhibitors based on inorganic polyhedral metallacarboranes.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 52: 7132-7141, 2009.

Sehnal P., Stará I., Šaman D., Tichý M., Míšek J., Cvačka J., Rulíšek L., Chocholoušová J., Vacek J., Goryl G., Szymonski M., Císařová I., Starý I.:
An organometallic route to long helicenes.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106: 13169-13174, 2009.

Shroff R., Rulíšek L., Doubský J., Svatoš A.:
Acid-base-driven matrix-assisted mass spectrometry for targeted metabolomics.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106: 10092-10096, 2009.

Srnec M., Aquilante F., Ryde U., Rulíšek L.:
Reaction mechanism of manganese superoxide dismutase studied by combined quantum and molecular mechanical calculations and multiconfigurational methods.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113: 6074-6086, 2009.

Vancoillie S., Rulíšek L., Neese F., Pierloot K.:
Theoretical description of the structure and magnetic properties of nitroxide-Cu(II)-nitroxide spin triads by means of multiconfigurational ab initio calculations.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113: 6149-6157, 2009.