HomePhD Study at IOCB

PhD Positions at IOCB - Call for applications 2018


IOCB Prague is looking for talented, independent and highly motivated students with MSc degree or equivalent in life sciences or related fields.

IOCB - A great place to work at!

  • Leading scientific institution in the Czech Republic, part of the Czech Academy of Sciences
  • Focus on basic and applied research in chemistry/biochemistry-related fields with interdisciplinary approach
  • Cutting-edge technology and equipment
  • International environment
  • Collaboration with top research institutes and commercial partners worldwide
  • Conveniently located in Prague-Dejvice close to the city center, in the vicinity of several universities and The National Library of Technology
  • 47 research and service groups
  • Employee benefit program

PhD students at IOCB:

  • 145 PhD students in 2017
  • Designated activities and events for PhD students: PhD Science Club, Prague Summer School on Drug Discovery, PhD Bootcamp, PhD Retreat, lunches with invited speakers, courses, etc.
  • Self-organized free time activities and clubs (climbing, dancing, board games, movies…)

Contact: phd_applications@uochb.cas.cz

How does PhD at IOCB work:

  • Process of application:
    • See the list of the available PhD projects in four areas: Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Analytical Chemistry, Physical and Computational Chemistry.
    • Send the filled application form (including up to 3 priority groups you wish to apply for), your CV and your transcripts via email to phd_applications@uochb.cas.cz by February 18, 2018
    • Principal investigators shortlist applicants with whom they wish to meet.
    • Shortlisted applicants are invited for face to face interviews which take place during the IOCB interview day on March 15, 2018 (Skype interview can be arranged upon request).
    • Candidates are informed about the results within a week. If accepted by a principal investigator, the candidate has to apply to a university listed by the principal investigator.
  • PhD students must be enrolled in partner Czech universities (Charles University, University of Chemistry and Technology – UCT Prague, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague or Masaryk University). At the same time, they are employed by IOCB Prague (part-time or full time), which results in a competitive salary (scholarship from the university + salary from IOCB).

  • Each university has its own process, terms and deadlines for PhD applications, which is separate from IOCB recruitment process. You may discuss the details with the respective principal investigator.

Deadlines and dates for IOCB:

  • Application deadline: February 18
  • Shortlisting/interview invitations sent to candidates by: March 1
  • Interview day: March 15
  • Final decisions by March 22

Deadlines for PhD applications to universities:

  • UCT Prague: April 16
  • Charles University (Prague): April 30
  • Masaryk University (Brno) – Faculty of Science: April 30
  • Czech University of Life Sciences Prague: April 30

Prague for expats:

  • Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic - EU country located in the heart of Europe
  • Official language is Czech, but English is broadly spoken and understood in the capital
  • Relatively low cost of living compared to other European cities
  • Beautiful historical city (UNESCO World Heritage Site) rich in architecture and culture (music, museums and galleries, theatres)
  • Easy and cheap transportation around the city
  • Plenty of restaurants, pubs and bars with great (and cheap!) beer
  • Useful links:
      - www.praha.eu
      - wiki: Prague
      - www.expats.cz
      - Cost of living in Prague on numbeo.com


to: phd_applications@uochb.cas.cz by 18 February 2018

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