In October survey, the Public Opinion Research Centre investigated whether the respondents confide in selected constitutional bodies.

The submitted list included the names of 25 politicians (all members of the government, president, chairmen of Senate and Chamber of Deputies,

leaders of parliamentary parties and EU-commissioner Špidla).

President Václav Klaus is considered to be the most trustworthy person, he enjoys trust expressed by almost two thirds of respondents(65%).

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Confidence in constitutional institutions has not almost changed since last month. In October 2005 Czech 71 % of czech citizens trusted to the president of the country. President has been found the most trustworthy constitutional institution since September 2003. 42 % of respondents trust in government. Both Chambers of Parliament were considered to be least trustworthy. 26% of czech citizens trust in Chamber of Deputies and 24 % people confide in Senate.

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In September survey CVVM asked respondents: „How would you evaluate activity of following Parties and institutions in last twelve months? Markit same as at school.1 means best evaluation, 5 means worst evaluation.

President, media and prime minister were best evaluated, their avarage mark was mark below 3. Senate,KSČM and US-DEU were worst evaluated, their avarage mark was above 3.50.Similar question has been used since 1996.

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In September survey, the Public Opinion Research Centre investigated whether the interviewed people confide in selected politicians. This time the submitted list included the names of 26 representatives of the parties present in the Chamber of Deputies. The respondents expressed the highest level of confidence in prime minister Jiří Paroubek (53%), second place got 1.vice-chairman of ČSSD and minister of Finance Bohuslav Sobotka (40%).

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In September 2005 Czech citizens expressed the highest level of trust to the president of the country, when 71 % respondents expressed their confidence in him. Number of those who find president trustworthy is quite stable for several months. 42 % of respondents trusted in government in the beginning of September. Citizens‘ confidence in government has been rising since May. As usual both Chambers were found least trustworthy.

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Between June and July 2005, Czech citizens expressed the highest level of trust to the president of the country, who enjoyed confidence of 72 % of czech citizens.

Citizen confidence in government has risen since last month. At present 37% citizens trust in czech government.Citizens suppose both Chambers of Parliamnet to be the least trustworthy constitutional institutions. As usual respondents confide deeply in local councils.

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In May CVVM interrogated czech citizens about whether they confide in the selected politicians. This time the submitted list included the names of 26 politicians, who are members of government, president,chairmen of Chamber of Deputies and Senate. representatives of the parties represented in the Chamber of Deputies, chairmen of Parties represented in Parliament and euro-commissioner Špidla. Minister Pavel Dostál and president Václav Klaus are found most trustworthy out of our top politicians.

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In May 2005 CVVM started a survey among responts, how they trust in constitutional institutions.

President Vaclav Klaus is still supposed to be the most trustworthy constitutional institution.According to citizens the end of governmental crisis helped to both government and constitutional institutions, first of all it helped to both Chambers of czech Parliament. In present almost a third of respondents confide in government (32%), which mean it has risen for 18 % points in comparism to previous month.

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This press release presents the other part of acquired results, which relate to the topic – position of president in political systém of Czech Republic.

Survey was devoted to opinions of czech public about every single constitutional presidental competence. The search was focused on what are public opinions about position of president to government, his status to appoinment of government , president’s right to dissolve Chamber of Deputies, right to call an election, right to veto and its existence, status of president to appointment of Constitutional Court judges and position of president in Foreign politics field of our country.

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In the April survey, CVVM extensively treated questions concerning opinions of citizens opinions about a position of the president in political system of Czech Republic.

This press information presents first part of gained results(including previous surveys)

First of all we interrogated all the respondents about which electoral method is, according to their point of view, the most suitable for the Czech Republic.

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