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122 captures
19 Mar 09 - 18 Apr 19
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StrukturaVědecko-servisní skupinyMedicinální chemie

Medicinální chemie (Dr. Pavel Majer)

The mission of the service part of the group consists of:

  • Solid phase synthesis of peptides up to 50 amino acid residues
  • Synthesis of peptide derivatives
  • Synthesis of small molecules, mainly enzyme inhibitors with various warheads
  • Qualitative and quantitative amino acid analysis of peptides and proteins
  • Protein and peptide sequencing using Edman’s method in the standard scale and micro scale
  • Metabolic stability assays and metabolite analysis by LC-MS-TOF
  • Quantitative amino acid analysis by fluorescent derivatization and HPLC

The main mission of the scientific part of the group is to collaborate with other groups at the Institute and provide them with design and synthesis of biologically active small molecules and chemical probes for their research. These collaborations include for example the following projects:

  • iBodies: Modular Synthetic Antibody Mimetics Based on Hydrophilic Polymers Decorated with Functional Moieties (together with Jan Konvalinka group)
  • DNA-linked Inhibitor Antibody Assay (DIANA): for sensitive and selective enzyme detection and inhibitor screening (together with Jan Konvalinka group)
  • Controlling Structure and Function of Biomolecules at the Molecular Scale: Theory Meets Experiment (participation in a Center of Excellence, PI: Pavel Hobza)
  • Inter-membrane Proteases of the Rhomboid Family in Secretionary Pathways of Mamalian Cells (together with Kvido Stříšovský group)