Expertise, quality, objectivity

The term – social cohesion is not well known in public. Only 27 % stated they know about it, 55% answered, they have never heard about it, 18% were not sure about it.Almost three quarters of citizens(74%) think it is worth of thinking about it ,two fifths of respondents regard social cohesion as useful.The survey proved, that citizens critically evaluate relationships among people in czech society.

51% of respondents stated, that envy prevails in czech society, it is followed by grudge and conflicts and that reason and soberness seldom win in czech society and people have to accept some solution without asking. Only 6% of respondents characterise current situation in society, as a situation, where tolerance, rational and sober evaluation of things prevails and where an attempt for understanding among people and and agreement in society exists , other 39% of respondents answered, that current situation could be characterised as ambivalent. 9 out 10 respondents think, that people should try to get on well together,to understand each other and to struggle for agreement.

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