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119 captures
19 Mar 09 - 18 Apr 19
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Kožíšek M., Bray J., Řezáčová P., Šašková K., Brynda J., Pokorná J. Mammano F., Rulíšek L., Konvalinka J.:
Molecular analysis of the HIV-1 resistance development: enzymatic activities, crystal structures and thermodynamics of nelfinavir-resistant HIV protease mutants.
Journal of Molecular Biology 374: 1005-1016, 2007.

Řezáčová P., Krejčiříková V., Borek D., Moy, S., Joachimiak A., Otwinowski Z.:
Structure of the trehalose repressor TreR from Bacillus subtilis revealed important oligomeric assembly.
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 69: 679-682, 2007.

Carey J., Brynda J., Wolfová J., Grandori R., Gustavsson T., Ettrich R., Kutá Smatanová I.:
WrbA bridges bacterial flavodoxins and eukaryotic NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductases.
Protein Science 16: 2301-2305, 2007.

Wolfová J., Mesters J.R., Brynda J., Grandori R., Natalello A., Carey J., Kutá Smatanová I.:
Crystallization and preliminary diffraction analysis of Escherichia coli WrbA in complex with its cofactor flavin mononucleotide.
Acta Crystallographica F 63: 571-575, 2007.

Vrábel M., Hocek M., Havran L., Fojta M., Votruba I., Klepetářová B., Pohl R., Rulíšek L., Zendlová L., Hobza P., Shih I., Mabery E., Mackman R.:
Purines Bearing Phenanthroline or Bipyridine Ligands and Their RuII Complexes in Position 8 as Model Compounds for Electrochemical DNA Labeling - Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electrochemistry, Quantum Chemical Calculations, Cytostatic and Antiviral Activity.
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 1752-1769, 2007.

Perzyna A., Dal Zotto C., Durand J.-O., Granier M., Smietana M., Melnyk O., Stará I.G., Starý I., Klepetářová B., Šaman D.:
Reaction of Isocyanate-Functionalised Silicon Wafers with Complex Amino Compounds.
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 4032-4037, 2007.

Vrábel M., Pohl R., Klepetářová B., Votruba I., Hocek M.:
Synthesis of 2'-deoxyadenosine nucleosides bearing bipyridine-type ligands and their Ru-complexes in position 8 through cross-coupling reactions.
Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 5: 2849-2857, 2007.

Joubert N., Pohl R., Klepetářová B., Hocek M.:
Modular and Practical Synthesis of 6-Substituted Pyridin-3-yl C-Nucleosides.
Journal of Organic Chemistry 72: 6797-6805, 2007.