Lecture of Prof.F. Criado-Boado, March 8th, 2018
26.02.2018The Institute of Archaeology of the CAS, Prague would like to invite You to a lecture delivered by Prof. Felipe Criado-Boado (Institute of Heritage Sciences – Incipit, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC): FROM LANDSCAPE TO MINDSCAPE: VISUAL COGNITION AND ARCHAEOLOGY. The lecture will be held on Thursday March 8th, 2018 from 2.00 p.m. in the library of the Institute in Letenská str. 4.
new publication

Chvojka, Ondřej – Jiráň, Luboš – Metlička, Milan a kolektiv: Nové české depoty doby bronzové. Volume 1, 2 (2 volumes), Prague 2017
Europa Postmediaevalis 2018

The Institute of Archaeology of the CAS, Prague would like to invite you to the conference Europa Postmediaevalis 2018. Post-medieval pottery between (its) borders that will be held in 2018 (April, 17th-18th).
More information: Call for papers (PDF)
new publication

I. Boháčová – M. Šmolíková (eds.): Praha archeologická. Archaeologica Pragensia – Supplementum 3