Workshop: World War I Veterans in Central Europe

Datum konání: 
3. 10. 2017, 0:00 - 4. 10. 2017, 0:00

Venue: Auditorium – Austrian State Archives Vienna, Nottendorfer Gasse 2, 1030 Vienna


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maratka_namesti-pod-emauzy.jpg?itok=CVlL Tuesday, October 3, 2017

14.00 – 15.30  PANEL 1

  • Introduction and Presentation of the Joint Project. Laurence Cole (University of Salzburg) / Rudolf Kučera (Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague)
  • The End of the Legionnaire Republic? Great War Veterans in Interwar Czechoslovakia. Václav Šmidrkal (Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague)
  • WWI-Veterans in Austria in the interwar period – A research report. Julia Walleczek-Fritz (University of Salzburg)
  • Discussion

15.30 – 16.00  Coffee Break

16.00 – 17.30  PANEL 2

  • Disabled Veterans in Interwar Czechoslovakia. Adam Lupták (University of Oxford)
  • From military to political activity. Polish veterans and the state (1920–1926). Joanna Urbanek (University of Warsaw)
  • Discussion

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

9.00 – 10.30  PANEL 3

  • The moral economy of disabled veterans’ re-integration. Thomas Rohringer (Max Planck Institute for Human Development Berlin)
  • To return or to come home? World War I veterans in Germany and Austria, 1918–1938. Karen Bähr (University of Erfurt)
  • Discussion

10.30 – 11.00  Coffee Break

11.00 – 12.30  PANEL 4

  • Remobilization of the WWI Veterans in the Borderland Conflicts of Austria and Hungary in 1918–1919. Tamás Révész (University of Vienna)
  • The divided veterans: former WWI soldiers in the new Italian provinces of Trentino and Venezia Giulia: 1918–1923. Alessandro Salvador (University of Siena)
  • Discussion

12.30 – 13.00  Final Discussion


Other workshop participants:

Hannes Leidinger (University of Vienna / Salzburg; FWF project member)
Verena Moritz (University of Vienna / Salzburg; FWF project member)
Radka Šustrová (Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS; GAČR project member)
Christa Hämmerle (University of Vienna; FWF project advisory board)
Matthias Egger (University of Salzburg)


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