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Found 27 projects (displayed results 21 - 27)
The project focuses on Prague allotments as an empirical example of the changing approach to urban nature and urban planning after the fall of socialism. Allotments represent spaces of affection and care. As urban nature, they are spaces of intense...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2016 - 2018
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
The principal goal of the project is twofold: (1) to support the operation and development of the social science research data infrastructure provided by the Czech Social Science Data Archive (CSDA), and (2) to ensure Czech participation in large scale...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2016 - 2019
Grant agency:
Government ministry project
The aim of the project is to investigate the views of European political representatives on the current state of European integration. The survey focuses in particular on the views of members of national parliaments such as you on the ability of EU...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2016 - 2018
Grant agency:
International project
Evropský sociální výzkum (ESS) je akademický mezinárodní výzkum. Šetření ESS se v Evropě konají každé dva již od roku 2001. Šetření měří vzorce postojů, představ a chování populací více než třiceti zemí. Témata, která sleduje, jsou následující:...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2016 - 2019
Grant agency:
Government ministry project
Europe is facing huge socio-economic challenges: an economic crisis with a young generation in search of jobs, population ageing potentially straining inclusion and innovation of our societies, climate change with its pressures to redesign energy,...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2015 - 2019
Grant agency:
International project
Tým Sociologického ústavu poskytuje v rámci FRAnetu expertízu pro Agenturu Evropské unie pro základní práva (FRA).Tým Sociologického ústavu pracuje ve složení: Tereza Stöckelová (řešitelka, v pozici senior expert), Edit Szénássy, Luca Otáhal, Hana...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2018
Grant agency:
Project summary:This project will examine the Dynamics of Change in Czech Society using a household panel survey research design. Applying insights from sociology, economics and politics this study will examine five themes: Family life, time use and...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2018
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
