Autumn School for Chemistry Teachers at IOCB Prague
An Autumn School for Chemistry Teachers took place on October 12-14 at the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague and the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IOCB Prague). Traditionally, this event organized in collaboration with Amgen Teach program focuses on the practical application of research-based teaching in chemistry classes and transfer of experience among teachers.
This year, more than 50 participants from elementary and high schools could see and use the newly opened teaching and demonstration laboratory at IOCB and took part in many practical experiments that they can apply at their schools.
"We couldn’t ask for a better opening of our demonstration laboratory. We set up the lab at our Institute to stimulate chemistry teaching at high schools and to motivate teachers to practical experiments with students, so that they have a chance to get to feel how beautiful and hot chemistry is," said IOCB Prague Director Zdeněk Hostomský on the occasion of opening of the laboratory. “We hope that some of the students, inspired by such experiments, will choose to pursue chemistry at the university one day and, perhaps, continue with their research at IOCB.”