FLEET.ORG, 19.8.2017.
There is considerable excitement about...
Jan Honolka | 2D systems in contact with spin degrees of freedom | 09.11.2016 15:00 |
Tomáš Rauch | Topological properties of zincblende materials | 08.11.2016 15:00 |
Jiří Chudoba | Trends in data processing and news from conferences CHEP2016 a WLCG | 07.11.2016 14:00 |
Jan Rusz | Inelastic electron scattering on magnetic materials – towards atomic resolution measurements of magnetism | 01.11.2016 15:00 |
Jiří Klimeš | Towards an accurate theoretical description of extended systems | 01.11.2016 10:00 |
Maciej M. Maska | The Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in the phase-fermion model | 25.10.2016 15:00 |
Petr Slavíček | Chemistry and Physics Triggered by Light : Molecular Simulations in UV and X-ray domains | 25.10.2016 10:00 |
Dr. Roman Pasechnik | Hadronic diffraction as a probe for long-distance effects in QCD | 20.10.2016 14:00 |
Kamil Olejník | Fast electrical switching of multilevel antiferromagnetic memory | 20.10.2016 12:00 |
Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein | Spin Current Experiments | 20.10.2016 11:00 |
FLEET.ORG, 19.8.2017.
There is considerable excitement about...
The Czech Academy of Sciences, 9.8.2017.
Over the past few...
Prague Daily Monitor, 9.6.2017.
A world-unique laser system has...
Radio Praha - English version, 13.1.2017.
Czech scientists have...