FLEET.ORG, 19.8.2017.
There is considerable excitement about...
Extension | Location | Room | ||
Roman Antipenkov | 1510 | antipenkov@fzu.cz | BE | |
Martin Fibrich | 2490 | fibrich@fzu.cz | S | 89 |
Michael Greco | 1481 | greco@fzu.cz | BE | O.01.10 |
Jonathan Tyler Green | 1525 | green@fzu.cz | BE | |
Radek Horálek | horalek@fzu.cz | BE | ||
Galina Kalinchenko | kalinchenko@fzu.cz | UI | C 2.17 | |
Karel Kasl | 2062 | kasl@fzu.cz | UI | C 2.20 |
Viliam Kmetík | 1444 | kmetikv@fzu.cz | BE | |
Michaela Kozlová | 2620, 1359 | kozlova@fzu.cz | UFP | 339 |
Daniel Kramer | 2893, 1423 | kramer@fzu.cz | UI, BE | C 2.03, O.01.48 |
Tomáš Mazanec | 2566 | mazanect@fzu.cz | UI | C 2.04 |
Jack Alexander Naylon | 1519 | naylon@fzu.cz | UI | C 2.06 |
Davorin Peceli | 3543 | peceli@fzu.cz | UI | C 2.18 |
Radek Šmíd | 1507 | smidr@fzu.cz | BE | C 2.09 |
Pavel Trojek | trojek@fzu.cz | UI | C 2.22 | |
Praveen Kumar Velpula | velpula@fzu.cz | S |
Extension | Location | Room | ||
Karel Majer | 1514 | majer@fzu.cz | BE | O.02.40 |
Štěpán Vyhlídka | vyhlidka@fzu.cz | UI | C 2.07 |
Extension | Location | Room | ||
Petr Szotkowski |
* Hovering the mouse over the phone extension, entire phone number will be displayed. Hovering the mouse over the site location, entire location name will be displayed.
C - Cukrovarnická
S - Slovanka
SLO - Společná laboratoř optiky Olomouc
MFF - MFF UK Troja
UTIA - Ústav teorie informace a automatizace
UFCH - Ústav fyzikální chemie
UFP - Ústav fyziky plazmatu
UI - Ústav informatiky
BH - Dolní Břežany (HiLASE)
BE - Dolní Břežany (ELI)
- - other
Phone prefix:
S, UTIA, UFCH, UFP, UI, BE - (+420) 266 05 xxxx
C - (+420) 220 318 xxx
SLO - (+420) 585 63 xxxx
MFF - (+420) 951 55 xxxx
BH - (+420) 314 00 77 xx
FLEET.ORG, 19.8.2017.
There is considerable excitement about...
The Czech Academy of Sciences, 9.8.2017.
Over the past few...
Prague Daily Monitor, 9.6.2017.
A world-unique laser system has...
Radio Praha - English version, 13.1.2017.
Czech scientists have...