PhDr. Petr Kitzler Ph.D., DSc.

Foto pracovníka Petr Kitzler
+420 234 612 304

Department of Biblical Studies
head of the Centre for Classical Studies / deputy director of the Institute of Philosophy

Research focus

  • early Christianity; early Christian literature, especially apologetics and hagiography; early Christian theological and philosophical anthropology, doctrine of the soul and related questions
  • Tertullian of Carthage
  • early Christian martyrological literature

Academic websites profile ( etc.)


February 2018: appointed Research Professor (Res. Prof.) in social sciences and humanities by the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague

2010–2013: Ph. D. in classical philology, Charles University, Prague. Project: „The Passio Perpetuae and Its Reception in the Literature of Early Church“, supervised by Dr. Martin Bažil

2010–2005: philosophy, Charles University, Prague. Project: „Tertullians Concept of the Soul“, supervised by prof. Dr. Lenka Karfíková

2005 (January): doctorate in ancient Greek and Latin, Masaryk University, Brno (PhDr.)

2006–2003: Latin mediaevistics, Masaryk University, Brno. Project: „The Beginnings of Latin Hagiography“, supervised by prof. Dr. Jana Nechutová

2003–1997: classical Greek and Latin, Masaryk University, Brno (MA summa cum laude)

Employment history

2018 (February): Research Professor in social sciences and humanities, Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague

2016 (August): Head of the Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague

2016 (August): Deputy director of the Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague

2016-2013: research secretary of the Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague

2016-2006: researcher at the Centre for Classical Studies, CAS, Prague (2007-2015 managing editor of journal Listy filologické - Folia philologica; 2007-2013 managing editor of journal Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina)

2011-2003: researcher at the Centre for Patristic, Mediaeval and Renaissance Texts, Palacký University Olomouc

2011 (May-August): Andrew W. Mellon Research Fellow, Warburg Institute, SAS, University of London. Project: „Passio Perpetuae and Its Later Interpreters: From Exemplum Fidei to Admirandum, Non Imitandum“

2008 (October–December): Andrew W. Mellon Research Fellow, Warburg Institute, SAS, University of London. Project: „Tertullian’s Concept of the Soul“

2002-2000: external cooperation with the Centre for Patristic, Mediaeval and Renaissance Texts, Masaryk University, Brno


2016: work on the team project Gnadenlehre in der Schrift und Patristik (within the project Handbuch der Dogmengeschichte, Herder Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau), supervised by prof. L. Karfíková

2013–2012: research grant of the Grant Agency of the Charles University (GA UK), Prague, no. 501112 „The Passio Perpetuae and Its Reception in the Literature of Early Church“

2012-present: research cooperation with the Czech Science Foundation Centre of excellence "History and interpretation of the Bible", P401/12/G168, Palacký University, Olomouc

2007: publication grant of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic for publishing the volume „World Literature – World in Literature“ (within the Civic Association for Iliterature)

2005: research grant of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic, FRVŠ 1518/G5 „Literary Continuity between the Ancient and Medieval Literature (the Latin passiones of the 3rd to 12th Centuries“)

Fellowships and research stays

2011: Mellon Research Fellowship, SAS London, Warburg Institute, UK (three months)

2008: Mellon Research Fellowship, SAS London, Warburg Institute, UK (three months)

each year: short term research stays (one to three weeks) at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (Austria), Bayerische Nationalbibliothek München (Germany), University of Wien (Austria), Humboldts-Universität Berlin (Germany), Warburg Institute London (UK)

Conference papers and lectures abroad

19. - 22. 7. 2017: Montreal Quebec, Celtic Conference in Classics, panel Self, Consciousness and Conscience in Late Antiquity: paper: "From Soul to Self: Tertullian’s Doctrine of the Soul and Its Legacy" (in absentia)

May 2011, London, Warburg Institute (Director´s Work-in-Progress Seminar), School of Advanced Study, University of London: lecture "Passio Perpetuae and Its Later Interpreters: From Exemplum Fidei to Admirandum, Non Imitandum"

November 2008, London, Warburg Institute (Director´s Work-in-Progress Seminar), School of Advanced Study, University of London: lecture "Tertullian´s Concept of the Soul and his Corporealistic Ontology"

21.-26. 7. 2008, Lisboa, Portugal; converence "ICAN IV / International Conference on the Ancient Novel: Crossroads in the Ancient Novel: Spaces, Frontiers, Intersections"; paper: "Viri mirantur faciulius quam imitantur: Passio Perpetuae in the Literature of Ancient Church"

29.-30. 3. 2006, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia ; conference "Svätec a jeho funkcie v spoločnosti"; paper: "Passio Perpetuae a Acta Perpetuae: Mezi tradicí a inovací" (in absentia)

Conference papers and lectures in the Czech Republic

21. 2. 2018, Prague, Faculty of Arts, Charles university, a lecture "The Beginnings of Latin Christian Hagiography"

23. 10. 2014, Jednota klasických filologů (The Association of Czech Classical Philologists), Masaryk University, Brno - lecture: "Nejstarší latinská hagiografie ve vrstvách paměti" ("The oldest Latin hagiography in the layers of memory")

8. 5. 2014, Praha, Charles Univeristy, international conference "The Process of Authority" within the centre of excellence "History and interpretation of the Bible" - paper: "Passio Perpetuae and Acta Perpetuae: Tradition, Authority, and the Rewriting of Martyrdom"

27. 3. 2014, Jednota klasických filologů (The Association of Czech Classical Philologists), Charles University, Prague - lecture "Athletae Christi. Nejstarší latinská hagiografie" ("Athletae Christi. The oldes Latin hagiography")

12. 11. 2013, Palacký University, Olomouc - lecture "Počátky latinsky psané křesťanské literatury" ("The Beginnings of Latin Christian Literature)

17. 6. 2010, Praha, Charles University - conference "Nauka o milosti v raném křesťanství" ("The Doctrine of Grace in Early Christianity"), paper: "Tertullianovo pojetí milosti" ("Tertullian's concept of divine grace")

20. 11. 2003, Zlín. Moravian-Silesian Christian Academy - lecture "Polozapomenuté postavy církevních dějin - Q. S. F. Tertullianus" ("Half-forgotten figures of early Church - Tertullian")

11. 11. 2003, „10th Meeting of doctoral students“ organized by the Centre for Medieval Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, paper „Tertullian’s De spectaculis“

7.-9. 2. 2001, Palacký University, Olomouc - conference of the Centre for Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Texts, paper "Q. S. F. Tertullianus - De spectaculis"

Editorial positions

Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina, Prague, editor-in-chief (since 4/2013; 2007-2013 managing editor)

Listy filologické - Folia philologica, Prague,  member of the editorial board (since 1/2016; 2007-2015 managing editor)

publishing house Filosofia, Prague, member of the editorial board (since 2013)

the editor of the series "Knihovna raně křesťanské tradice" ("The Library of Early Christian Tradition") in the publishing house OIKOYMENH, Prague (since 2015, together with s L. Karfíková)

publishing house OIKOYMENH, Prague, member of the editorial board (since 2/2017)

Membership in universities’ subject area boards

member of the Ph.D. subject area board "Philosophy of Religion", Faculty of Protestant Theology, Charles University, Prague (since 2016)

Memberships in academic associations and other academic bodies

Deputy director of the Council of the Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague (since 2017)

member of the International Evaluation Committee (social sciences and humanities) of the large research infrastructures of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (2017)

North American Patristics Society (Baltimore; member since 2009)

Association des Études Patristiques (Paris; member since 2009)

Czech Literary Translators’ Guild (Prague; member since 2005, since 2009 member of the Committee)

The Patristic Society of the Czech Republic (Olomouc; member since 2008)

Association of the Czech Classical Philologists (Prague; member since 2006)

Civic Association for Iliterature (Prague; member since 2005; 2006–2010 Vice-president)

Honors and awards

2015: Honorable mention of the Chancellor of the Palacký University, Olomouc, for the book Tertullian, De carne Christi

2014: Otto Wichterle Award by the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences for the research on early Christian literature

2005: third prize of the Czech Literary Translators’ Guild for the Czech translation of F. Nietzsche’s Homers Wettkampf (Jiří Levý Competition)

2004: second prize of the Czech Literary Translators’ Guild for the Czech translation of F. Nietzsche’s Homer und die klassische Philologie (Jiří Levý Competition)

2004: Jan Hus Foundation Scholarship, Brno

1997: Honorable Mention of the Czech Literary Translators’ Guild for the Czech translation of F. Nietzsche’s poems Dionysische Dithyramben (Jiří Levý Competition)

Current projects

Tertullian's theological and philosophical anthropology and doctrine of the soul, his treatise De anima (together with its commented translation into Czech)