Running projects
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- Published: 01 January 2014
- Hits: 426
Martin Lux received 18. 10. 2012 the Award of the Chair of the Czech Science Foundation for outstanding results of the project "Social Inequalities and the Market Risks Following from Housing Consumption. The Real and Desirable Response of State Fiscal and Monetary Policies". See short presentation of M. Lux and of the research project.
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- Published: 29 December 2013
- Hits: 479
17.11.2009 defended Mr. Martin Lux at TU Delft his thesis and was confered a Ph.D. degree. His dissertation was published by the Delft University Press: Lux, M. 2009. Housing policy and housing finance in the Czech Republic during transition. An example of schism between the still-living past and the need of reform. Amsterdam: Delft University Press, 284 p. Below are few pictures from the defense.
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- Published: 29 December 2013
- Hits: 419
The head of the Socioe-economics of Housing Department Mr. Martin Lux successfully defended Ph.D. at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University.
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- Published: 29 December 2013
- Hits: 421
Socio-ekonomics of Housing Department of the Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in cooperation with other partners organised the European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) 2009 Conference. The topic of the conference was "Changing Housing Markets: Integration and Segmentation". Conference was held 28.6.-1.7.2009 at the University of Economics Prague. More information about the conference, including presentations of plenary speakers and participants in workshops is available on
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- Published: 29 December 2013
- Hits: 420
Martin Lux was awarded by the Prize of the Czech Academy of Sciences for Young Researchers for outstanding research results (socio-economic housing research).
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- Published: 29 December 2013
- Hits: 401
Martin Lux has been awarded Erhard Busek Prize (2. place) for the study "Efficiency and effectiveness of housing policies in the Central and Eastern Europe countries". The evaluation of the competitors was made by a board established by the Forschungsgesellschaft für Wohnen, Bauen und Planen. The members of the board were: Josef Klemen (chair of the board), Vera Mayer, Helmut Puchebner, Andreas Sommer, Peter Sommer, Walter Tancsits, Wolfgang Amann. The evaluation criteria were as follows: the scientific value, the implications at the national level, the topicality of the theme, the innovative approach, the theoretical approach, the practical use of the results, the quality of the interpretation. The analytical quality of the Martin Lux's study was highly appreciated, especially regarding the broad approach not restricted only on the description and comparison of housing policies in selected Central and Eastern European countries.
The protocol of the evaluation board (in German).