The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR

SUMTRAIC 2017 was hled with 16 participants from 7 countries getting practical experience with fusion research


The traditional SUMTRAIC (SUMmer TRAIning Course) was held at COMPASS tokamak. The course was held at IPP from August 28 to September 8, 2017.


7 Sep 2017


Recent results of PALS presented at the international conference "Laser Plasma Accelerators"


IBS Conference on Laser Plasma Accelerators, which was held at Seogwipo-KAL hotel, Jeju island, Korea, from August 27 to September 1, 2017.


28 Aug 2017


The Key elements of Solar Orbiter are developing in the TOPTEC Centre


Solar Orbiter is heading to the Sun in 2019. An important role in the project of the European Space Agency (ESA) plays also the Institute of Plasma Physics.

20 Jul 2017


Spring Excursion to the World of Science 2017


The Spring Excursion to the World of Science was held at the IPP on June 16, 2017. You had a great chance to see our devices!

16 Jun 2017


IPP at the Science Fair 2017


For the third year now, the Czech Academy of Sciences organized the biggest popular – educational event of its kind in the Czech Republic – the Science Fair. 

12 Jun 2017


5th Runaway Electron Meeting was held in the Chateau Liblice on June 5


A meeting of scientists working on topics related to runaway electrons: theory, modelling, experiments, data analyses, diagnostic developement, mitigation systems, coordination of scientific projects, etc.

9 Jun 2017
