The Politics of Plasticity: On Solidarity and Mutual Aid with Catherine Malabou Pořádá Oddělení současné kontinentální filosofie FLÚ AV ČR
- Program
Friday, 23rd February
Petr Urban (Prague): Welcome13:10
Catherine Malabou (London): Mutual Aid beoynd Discursivity14:40 Coffee break
Rasmus Sandnes-Haukedal (Durham): Agency and IndividualismArianne Conty (Sharjah): The Nature of No Nature: Psycho-Biologic Individuation in Gilbert Simondon and Catherine Malabou
Mauro Senatore (Durham): How To Live Together: Symbiosis Is Not Enough
Petr Kouba (Prague): From Negative Plasticity to Solidarity, Equality and Cooperation
18:00 Official Dinner
Saturday, 24 February
Mechthild Nagel (Prague): What to do with the Dangerous Few? Empathy Deficit ReconsideredZona Zaric (Paris): Compassion and Solidarity
10:10 Coffee break
Flavio D'Abramo (Berlin): The Neoliberal Turn of EpigeneticsOle Martin Sandberg (Reikjavik): Selfish Genes, Evil Nature: The Christian Echoes in Neo-Atheism
Vitek Pokorny (Prague): Eco-mutuality and Environmental Solidarity
12:30 Lunch
Uri Gordon (Nottingham): Darkness Falls: Mutual Aid against Fascism and Climate ChaosIwona Janicka (Warwick): Solidarity with Singularity and Anarchist Collectives
15:10 Coffee break
Swain Daniel Rosenhaft (Prague): Mutual Aid as Prefigurative Politics?Elmo Feiten (Freiburg): Max Stirner's Embodied Egoism: From Self-Empowerment to Neuro-Anarchism
Catherine Malabou (London): Final Remarks17:30 End of the Conference
Conference Theme:
Catherine Malabou is one of Europe's leading philosophers today. She has earned her reputation not only from her novel interpretations of key philosophers like Hegel and Heidegger, but also for bringing philosophy into dialogue with psychoanalysis and neuroscience. Among other philosophical notions, she coined the concept of plasticity. This concept allowed her to reflect on both destructive plasticity, which appears in various forms of individual and political traumas, and creative plasticity, which matches up with unexpected events and irregularities of life.In her most recent work, Catherine Malabou turns her attention to the phenomena of solidarity, cooperation and mutual aid that she analyses both in the field of evolutionary biology and in politics. In these domains, she challenges the idea of natural selfishness that dominates the evolutionary biology and political discourse typical of neoliberalism as well as neopopulism. Realizing the limitations and dangers of the ideology of selfishness, she examines the viability of anarchist conceptions of mutual aid.
The main aim of the conference is to explore the possibilities of understanding our coexistence with others in terms of solidarity and cooperation. In dialogue with Catherine Malabou, and on the basis of her work, we shall project mutual aid as a crucial factor in the maintenance of society and the facilitation of social changes. The conference will be opened by Catherine Malabou´s keynote address and closed by her recapitulation.
Catherine Malabou
Mutual Aid: Essentialist Delusion, or Political Promise?
The biological theory of mutual aid affirms that natural selection, understood as a competition between living beings and species, is not the only evolutionary law. There exists also a natural trend toward solidarity and cooperation among them. The idea that there might be a structural link between the social and the biological meanings of mutual aid is a central idea of anarchism, as made manifest in Russian anarchist geographer Pyotr Kropotkin's 1902 book, On Mutual Aid, A Factor of Evolution. The idea of a natural origin for mutual aid, self-management and cooperation has since been totally dismissed by an opposing point of view, that of a natural selfishness, defended by biologist Richard Dawkins in his 1989 book The Selfish Gene. Today, there seems to be a new emergence of the anarchist concept of mutual aid, as developed, for example, by the Israeli political thinker Uri Gordon in his book Anarchy Alive!: Anti-Authoritarian Politics from Practice to Theory, London, Pluto Press, 2007. Is there a continuity between the old and new anarchist visions of mutual help? Where is current biology in this debate? These are the questions that my presentation wishes to raise.Call for Papers:
We encourage contributors to consider the following topics:
- the politics of plasticity, its meaning and promises
- principles of solidarity, cooperation and mutual aid
- anarchism today
- relations between evolutionary biology and politics- selfishness as an ontological principle, its consequences and limitations
We invite all scholars in philosophy and related fields of research who are interested in the topic of the conference to submit their abstracts relevant to the problems of solidarity, mutual aid and cooperation. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and must be received via email by January 22, 2018. Authors will be notified of the status of their submission by January 26, 2018. Finished papers should not exceed 20 minutes presentation time. The conference fee for active participants will be €50.
Abstracts and inquiries should be sent to: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.
Petr Kouba, PhD
Martin Nitsche, PhD
Petr Urban, PhD
Department of Contemporary Continental Philosophy
The Institute of Philosophy – The Czech Academy of Sciences
Jilská 1, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic