Bader Scholarship

Isabela and Alfred Bader Scholarship for Postdocs in the Art History

The Institute of Art History in cooperation with the Czech Association of Art Historians invite applications for the Isabela and Alfred Bader Scholarship. The scholarship is intended for the PhD students dealing with European art and architecture from the Middle Ages until the 20th century.

In 2017 three applicants will be supported. Submission deadline is January 31, 2017. For more information:


Awarded projects:


Hana Benešovská (Institute of Art History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague)

The Art of Ancient Egypt Through the Lens of Art History: Past Scholarship, Current Research and New Possibilities


Ondřej Hojda (Institute of Art History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague)

The Image of Japanese Architecture in Europe 1945–1970


Barbora Holečková (Department of Art History, Palacký University, Olomouc)

The Influence of Bologna and Neapol on the Art in the Czech and Hungarian Lands in the First Half of the 14th Century

Attached file: Průběžné zprávy 2017 (OCX)
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