
In December 2017 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions connected to health care. Questions focused mainly on satisfaction with health care in the Czech Republic, evaluation of the quality of the health care in the last year and the amount of information provided by the doctors. Respondents evaluated their own health condition and possibilities to decide the ways of their medical treatment.

With health care, 51% of citizens are satisfied, 18% are dissatisfied and 30% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

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In December 2017 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions related to health care system in its regular survey. Citizens were asked about their overall satisfaction with health care system in the Czech Republic as well as their views on the various problematic areas of healthcare, such as the financing of public health, management of drugs and functioning of insurance companies.

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In December 2016 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions related to health care system in its regular survey. Citizens were asked about their overall satisfaction with health care system in the Czech Republic as well as their views on the various problematic areas of healthcare, such as the financing of public health, management of drugs and functioning of insurance companies.

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In December 2016 Public Opinion Research Centre included a blok of questions connected to health care. One of the discussed topics was also health care measures in the Czech Republic. Questions focused mainly on charges for medication, doctor visit and stay in hospital. Next issue was connected to insurance and insurance company.

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In December 2016 Public Opinion Research Centre included a blok of questions connected to health care. Questions focused mainly on satisfaction with health care in the Czech Republic, evaluation of the quality of the health care in the last year and the emounth of information provided by the doctors. Respondents evaluated their own health condition and possibilities to decide the ways of their medical treatment.

>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<

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In June 2016, the Public Opinion Research Centre (CVVM) asked three question related to the disease AIDS. CVVM probed not only the general opinion about the disease as such but also opinion about activities of institutions in regard to the disease and subjective feeling of being threatened by the disease. The results of the inquiry suggest that the Czech society feels less endangered by AIDS than in previous years.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<

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In December 2015 Public Opinion Research Centre included a blok of questions connected to health care. One of the discussed topics was also health care measures in the Czech Republic. Questions focused mainly on charges for medication, doctor visit and stay in hospital. Next issue was connected to insurance and insurance company.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<

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In December 2015 Public Opinion Research Centre included a blok of questions connected to health care. Questions focused mainly on satisfaction with health care in the Czech Republic, evaluation of the quality of the health care in the last year and the emounth of information provided by the doctors. Respondents evaluated their own health condition and possibilities to decide the ways of their medical treatment.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<

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In December 2015 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions related to health care system in its regular survey. Citizens were asked about their overall satisfaction with health care system in the Czech Republic as well as their views on the various problematic areas of healthcare, such as the financing of public health, management of drugs and functioning of insurance companies.

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In September 2015 CVVM examined citizens' views on smoking ban in restaurants. Almost three-fifths of Czech public (58%) would agree with this ban, less than two fifths (38%) would disagree.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<

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