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19 Mar 09 - 18 Apr 19
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Sychrovský V., Foldýnová-Trantírková S., Špacková N., Robeyns K., Van Meervelt L., Blankenfeldt W., Vokáčová Z., Šponer J., Trantírek L.:
Revisiting the planarity of nucleic acid bases: Pyramidilization at glycosidic nitrogen in purine bases is modulated by orientation of glycosidic torsion.
Nucleic Acids Research 37 21: 7321-7331, 2009.

Rejman D., Kováčková S., Pohl R., Dračínský M., Fielder P., Rosenberg I.:
A convenient, high-yield synthesis of 1-substituted uracil and thymine derivatives.
Tetrahedron 65 41: 8513-8523, 2009.

Parchanský V., Matějka P., Dolenský B., Havlík M., Bouř P.:
Modeling of a Troger's tweezer and its complexation properties.
Journal of Molecular Structure 934 1-3: 117-122, 2009.

Andrushchenko V., Matějka P., Anderson D.T., Kaminský J., Horníček J., Paulson L.O., Bouř P.:
Solvent Dependence of the N-Methylacetamide Structure and Force Field.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113 35: 9727-9736, 2009.

Dračínský M., Kaminský J., Bouř P.:
Structure of the Alanine Hydration Shell as Probed by NMR Chemical Shifts and Indirect Spin-Spin Coupling.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 44: 14698-14707, 2009.

Havlík M., Parchanský V., Bouř P., Král V., Dolenský B.:
Bridged bis-troger's base molecular tweezers as new cavitand family.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 74 (7-8): 1091-1099, 2009.

Bouř P.:
Cross-polarization detection enables fast measurement of vibrational circular dichroism.
ChemPhysChem 10 (12): 1983-1985, 2009.

Zawada Z., Šebestík J., Bednárová L., Bouř P., Hlaváček J., Stibor I.:
Synthetic study on prion protein fragments using a SPPS and native chemical ligation.
Amino Acids 37 (Suppl. 1): 44-44, 2009.

Šebek J., Kapitán J., Šebestík J., Baumbruk V., Bouř P.:
L-Alanyl-L-alanine conformational changes induced by pH as monitored by the Raman optical activity spectra.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113 (27): 7760-7768, 2009.

Kaminský J., Šebek J., Bouř P.:
Molecular dynamics with Restrictions derived from optical spectra.
Journal of Computational Chemistry 30 (6): 983-991, 2009.

Benda L., Bouř P., Muller N., Sychrovský V.:
Theoretical study of the effective chemical shielding anisotropy (CSA) in peptide backbone, rating the impact of CSAs on the cross-correlated relaxations in L-alanyl-L-alanine.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (15): 5273-5281, 2009.

Kaminský J., Kapitán J., Baumbruk V., Bednárová L., Bouř P.:
Interpretation of Raman and Raman optical activity spectra of a flexible sugar derivative, the gluconic acid anion.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113 (15): 3594-3601, 2009.

Huang R., Wu L., McElheny D., Bouř P., Roy A., Keiderling T.A.:
Cross-strand coupling and site-specific unfolding thermodynamics of a Trpzip beta-hairpin peptide using C-13 isotopic labeling and IR spectroscopy.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (16): 5661-5674, 2009.

Dračínský M., Kaminský J., Bouř P.:
Relative importance of first and second derivatives of nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shifts and spin-spin coupling constants for vibrational averaging.
Journal of Chemical Physics 130 (9), artical number: 094106, 2009.

Andrushchenko V., Bouř P.:
Infrared absorption detection of metal ion-deoxyguanosine monophosphate binding: experimental and theoretical study.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (1): 283-291, 2009.

Kubelka J., Bouř P.:
Simulation of vibrational spectra of large molecules by arbitrary time propagation.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 5 (1): 200-207, 2009.

Čeřovský V., Buděšínský M., Hovorka O., Cvačka J., Voburka Z., Slaninová J., Borovičková L., Fučík V., Bednárová L., Votruba I., Straka J.:
Lasioglossins: three novel antimicrobial peptides from the venon of the eusocial bee Lasioglossum laticeps (Hymenoptera: Halictidae).
ChemBioChem 10 (12): 2089-2099, 2009.

Monincová L., Hovorka O., Cvačka J., Voburka Z., Fučík V., Borovičková L., Bednárová L., Budešínský M., Slanineva J., Straka J., Čeřovský V.:
Novel antimicrobial peptides from the venom of eusocial bee Halictus sexcinctus (Hymenoptera: Halictidae).
Biopolymers 92 (4): 364-364, 2009.

Lakhani A., Maloň P., Keiderling T.A..:
Comparison of vibrational circular dichroism instruments: development of a new dispersive VCD.
Applied Spectroscopy 63 (7): 775-785, 2009.

Hyvarinen M., Vaara J., Goldammer A., Kutzky B., Hegetschweiler K., Kaupp M., Straka M.:
Characteristic spin-orbit induced H-1(CH2) chemical shifts upon deprotonation of group 9 polyamine aqua and alcohol complexes.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (33): 11909-11918, 2009.

Vokáčová Z., Bickelhaupt F.M., Šponer J., Sychrovský V.:
Structural interpretation of J-coupling constants in Guanosine and Deoxyguanosine: modeling the effects of sugar pucker, backbone conformation, and base pairing.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113 (29): 8379-8386, 2009.

Vokáčová Z., Buděšínský M., Rosenberg I., Schneider B., Šponer J., Sychrovský V.:
Structure and dynamics of the ApA, ApC, CpA, and CpC RNA dinucleoside monophosphates resolved with NMR scalar spin-spin couplings
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (4): 1182-1191, 2009.

Grazina R., Gano L., Šebestík J., Santos M.A.:
New tripodal hydroxypyridinone based chelating agents for Fe(III), Al(III) and Ga(III): Synthesis, physico-chemical properties and bioevaluation.
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 103 (2): 262-273, 2009.

Pícha J., Buděšínský M., Hanclová I., Šanda M., Fieldler P., Vaněk V., Jiráček J.:
Efficient synthesis of phosphonodepsipeptides derived from norleucine.
Tetrahedron 65 (31): 6090-6103, 2009.

Andronová A., Szydlo F., Teplý F., Tobrmanová M., Volot A., Stará I.G., Starý I., Rulíšek L., Šaman D., Cvačka J., Fiedler P., Vojtíšek P.:
The quest for alternative routes to racemic and nonracemic azahelicene derivatives.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 74 (1): 189-215, 2009.

Havlík J., Buděšínský M., Klouček P., Kokoška L., Valterová I., Vašíčková S., Zelený V.:
Norsesquiterpene hydrocarbon, chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Rhaponticum carthamoides root essential oil.
Phytochemistry 70 (3): 414-418, 2009.

Kalinová B., Kindl J., Jiroš P., Žáček P., Vašícková S., Buděšínský M., Valterová I.:
Composition and electrophysiological activity of constituents identified in male wing gland secretion of the Bumblebee Parasite Aphomia sociella.
Lipids 43 (5): 441-450, 2009.